Example sentences of "[am/are] not [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I am not demanding that every subject which has a technical vocabulary or which employs concepts other than those employed by common sense should be rendered simple , and fit for consumption by every man or woman in the street .
2 Do n't misunderstand me , I am not implying that she should be working …
3 I am not implying that there is communication between friends on a supernormal , still less a supernatural , plane , though I would not exclude it : there is just enough evidence for telepathy to explain certain experiences that most of us have had , or are convinced that we have had , once or twice .
4 I am not alleging that they are mechanically unsafe , but when people go to parties or dances they find that some of the buses are not clean and up to the standard that they had come to expect when buses were under local authority control .
5 He maintains he 's doing ‘ a lot less blood and guts ’ although that 's difficult to believe as he chats of chopping off an arm of a ‘ volunteer ’ from the audience , although theatregoers may escape being sawn in half : ‘ I am not decided whether to saw a young lady from the audience or myself .
6 I am not urging that all observation statements should be discarded because they are fallible .
7 I am not lost and so I have lost .
8 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
9 And every residential social worker knows that I am not exaggerating when I say that after a death has occurred — often alone or with one of us holding the dying resident 's hand — the family will descend like vultures , demanding a complete inventory of all their belongings , ransacking their personal clothes for valuables , and insisting on receiving all that is left of the petty cash .
10 I am not exaggerating when I say that I was inspired by all I saw at the adult education centres in Croydon .
11 I am not suggesting that we should be completely sceptical about the value of introspection .
12 Of course , the success of this lesson has to do with more than structure ( indeed , I am not suggesting that structure is all a teacher needs to know about ! ) .
13 I am not suggesting that the differences in the foundations do not lead to differences in practice .
14 Live the natural way : No , I am not suggesting that you return to some sort of Tarzan and Jane existence , simply that you try and reduce your dependence on those mechanical things which sometimes seem to threaten to take over our lives .
15 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
16 I am not suggesting that you can never have another cup of coffee or tea but that here , as in many other areas of life , moderation is the best policy .
17 Of course , I am not suggesting that women should give in to biology ( perish the thought ) , but that PMS is not quite the pathological state that a few health experts would appear to be suggesting .
18 I am not suggesting that one should even form an interpretative overview , merely that details of notation , phrasing and articulation , tempo , dynamics and so on are considered alongside balance , texture , and even acoustical implications .
19 Whilst that may be interesting ( and I am not suggesting that we should refrain totally from such activity ) , something more is needed if we are really to approach the Earth and the earth spirit with any depth and with any hope of useful results .
20 I am not suggesting that you throw extravagant dinner parties every night when I advocate entertaining .
21 I am not suggesting that he arrives at the meaning of Truth as the result of philosophical or metaphysical speculation in a vacuum .
22 I am not suggesting that you should be totally selfish , but people will put on those who ca n't say ‘ no ’ when they need a helping hand .
23 I am not suggesting that on occasions it is not totally appropriate to go and help someone — children particularly appreciate a parent 's involvement in a variety of projects .
24 While I am not suggesting that you immediately dismantle an arrangement of flowers , perhaps after a day or two you could carefully remove a leaf or two , and a few flowers .
25 I am not suggesting that my aunt 's remark served as some sort of trigger for my disease , because I did not in fact become anorexic until three or four years later .
26 I am not suggesting that I was a ‘ truly creative intellect ’ — merely that I was denied the opportunity to find out whether I could achieve any such position , and this was an omission I felt very keenly .
27 ‘ My dear Constance , I am not suggesting that you should no longer visit me .
28 The notion of difference of level between quite different programming languages can equally well be expressed within a single language : at a single level of language , say of the programming language LISP , one normally defines a function in terms of sub-functions , so that I might for example write a function WALK(x) ( where x ranges over walkers ) whose sub-functions ( to be executed in order ) might be some form of LIFT-RIGHT-LEG ; FLEX-RIGHT-FOOT ; and so on ( I am not suggesting that sequence would be even remotely plausible in fact ) .
29 In doing so I am not suggesting that I am delineating some objective essence of classicism .
30 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
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