Example sentences of "[am/are] at [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You should have no difficulty guessing if you 're at all familiar with the zodiac . ’
2 If you 're at all dissatisfied , simply return your order within 30 days of purchase for a refund of the unit price .
3 In the meantime I 'll arrange for our dietician to see you and we 'll keep a note of this for our own records , but if you 're at all worried , do come and see either myself or Dr Grant at any time .
4 If you 're at all unsure how to do such things , the slim manual covers the process in minute detail — almost too much detail for the more experienced user .
5 And if you 're at all suspicious of anyone who comes to your door — keep it firmly shut .
6 If you 're at all interested in that area then I have got you a reference I can give you to hand but it 's but a great deal of er architecture , certainly the thirties , forties , fifties reflected corporate status , corporate identity .
7 If you 're at all concerned about the quality of drinking water abroad , the best advice is to avoid it and drink bottled water instead .
8 ‘ You 're at maximum lean angle now with so much grip that when it does step out it throws you a long way .
9 Naturally , I 'm at that mysterious , precarious stage somewhere close to and a long way from that miraculous first sentence .
10 The eldils , the angelic beings who are at first invisible to Ransom , and their hierarchic sense of obedience are introduced gently .
11 The ventral interradial areas are at first naked but become granules covered .
12 General practice fundholders are at one extreme , with regional health authority top sliced budgets , although only very few practices are participating in the most deprived inner city areas .
13 Russia and to a lesser extent Prussia are at one extreme , Great Britain at the other .
14 The cylinder itself should be positioned on a flat rigid surface : if the floorboards in the airing cupboard are at all uneven or if you need space for access to pipes , it is a good idea to mount it on a small platform .
15 If you are at all normal , you bypass the urge to throttle him , or to shake him by the head and shout : ‘ What 's that got to do with anything ? ’ , and find yourself nodding in agreement as if he has just proved something .
16 But er I do n't think you are at all dyslexic are you .
17 So neither plant owners nor instrumentation makers are at all keen to report on RFI problems that could later be used against them in legal proceedings .
18 In many circumstances this might not be a problem , but if you are at all keen on the subject and a little more experienced in circuit design and assembly , you may well wish to make another board or perhaps modify the circuit ( and probably the p.c.b .
19 are at all familiar with that end of the village you will recognize that there are three points of access , one of which is Mr Lingard 's , and as you quite rightly point out is the the bridle track among them .
20 On this last point , it is worth emphasizing , in advance of the evidence , that Nietzsche did certainly reject a quantity of material before the final draft , but that few of the " suppressed " passages are at all long and none are strikingly impressive .
21 If you are at all concerned about your puppy 's lack of progress during house-training , then consult your vet .
22 But perhaps I should add one work of warning : look in the front of such books for the date of publication , be careful if they are at all old .
23 Below us on this first section is the recently opened yacht marina , a very pleasant area to stroll round if you are at all interested in boats .
24 Anyone whose family circumstances are at all unusual should do so .
25 There are literally thousands of firms offering a supply-and-fit replacement window service these days , and choosing the best one for your home can be difficult , especially if your requirements are at all unusual .
26 Levels of labour turnover , absenteeism , and strike activity have been used , but for various reasons none of these measures are at all satisfactory .
27 If you are at all unsure , call in a professional carpet cleaner .
28 If you are at all doubtful about the success of the evening , do not advertise the event outside your Law Society .
29 It is surprisingly easy to pick up the physical tension and the negative emotions of others if you are at all sensitive .
30 It is also worth overcoming an approach to computer-aided historical research which assumes that the complexities inherent in disambiguating and interpreting fuzzy information and of representing idiosyncratic data types are at all unique to history .
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