Example sentences of "[am/are] the [num ord] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These are the 13th championships and they 're being staged in Oxford for the first time .
2 Along with Gloucestershire County Council , on which no party holds overall control , they are the first authorities hit by capping under the new Council Tax system .
3 For example , here are the first lines of an article warning against OTC-traded Bio-Isolates : " Watch out , watch out …
4 Maude Stanley was only expressing a truism , as far as respectable society was concerned , when she advised that in starting a club ‘ discipline and order are the first requisites ’ .
5 The first owner of the right is the designer unless the design is created in pursuance of a commission or in the course of employment in which cases the commissioner or the employer respectively are the first owners of the right , subject to any written agreement to the contrary .
6 These are the first answers given , but in reply to further questions the number of women making at least one negative reference increases to twenty-seven — sixty-eight per cent of the sample .
7 Last night as the Yugoslavs camped out at St Peter 's School in Northampton , Mr Smith , 52 , said : ‘ I believe these are the first refugees to come across as a group .
8 These are the first fruits of a beginning letter to all the London embassies .
9 These are the first Cambodians to graduate from a rehabilitation programme at Wat Thom , a disused temple in Phnom Penh .
10 Erm but in the meantime those are the first essays I can er erm are you erm , working on that or thinking about that ?
11 Well , not just women , men as well , but mothers are the first teachers of the young .
12 Elena Pinguli and Mentor Belalla , both 17 , are the first Albanians to be allowed to study abroad for 50 years and are throwing themselves into college life with typical Albanian verve .
13 The SRY homologues , together with the mouse Ube1y homologues , are the first genes to be identified on the marsupial Y chromosome .
14 These are the first principles of Orc generalship … the things that everybody learns pretty quickly .
15 Ah these are the first ones I 've .
16 Those are the first ones you contact but you still have to sit down with one of the estate agents and say , Well look what sort of business do you give them ?
17 After two settled years there are the first signs of imminent change in Taylor 's goalkeeping plans , with first choice Chris Woods suffering an alarming dip in form in the last month .
18 This ones by , er actually you are the first members of the public to know about it .
19 As reported , they are the first machines from Apple to include the long-promised signal processor — Apple is using AT&T Co 's AT&T 32-bit 3210 , which will be built into the system 's motherboard and will drive such tasks as real-time data processing , speech recognition , audio compression , high-speed data communications , three-dimensional rendering , video image processing and 16-bit stereo sound .
20 The appointments are the first non-executives taken on by Lowndes since its highly leveraged takeover of Harris Queensway last year .
21 I tell him that in a depression , manners are the first casualties .
22 The accounts , which have been audited represent the CIT in the UK and are the first accounts of the Limited company .
23 And harder than the first months are the first weeks .
24 These are the first words that Al Jourgensen ever said to me .
25 The sirens are cast solid , like Geometric bronzes , but the griffin-heads are the first examples in Greece of hollow-casting , another thing now learnt from the East of immense importance for Greek art ( below , pp. 50f . ) .
26 The F-Plan calorie and fibre charts are the first charts to make it possible to keep to the correct number of calories and , at the same time , to choose the foods which will be of most help in making slimming both easier and speedier .
27 CLIFF RICHARD and Head of Salvation Army , General Eva Burrows are the first patrons of ACET .
28 Conoco Speciality Products and Southampton University are the first winners of the Hydro Award 1991 , for outstanding achievement in the field of water quality improvement in the UK .
29 TOP selling Warrington Group are the first winners of Liverpool Region 's Royal Scottish Quarterly Award .
30 Congratulations go to project manager Alwyn Bowden and his team at RAF St Mawgan who are the first winners of the WEC Site Safety Award , by demonstrating the most thorough implementation of the Positive Safety Management System .
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