Example sentences of "[am/are] at [adv] five " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't remember now but they 're at least five .
2 There are at least five well known approaches :
3 Latest estimates are at least five weeks .
4 For every Western aid worker , there are at least five Somali aid workers who , like Hawa the nurse , put themselves at greater risk , work longer hours for little or no money , and provide a body of local people who may be able to continue their work in health care or administration after the fighting is over .
5 Top : The atmosphere in Somalia 's ports is extremely tense ; Bottom : for every western aid worker , there are at least five Somalia aid workers
6 NT is great , but inklings I hear from beta testers of Netware 4.0 say there are at least five added features to the new Novell product , each of which will blow NT out of the networking water .
7 There are at least five major sources from which information may be extracted and put into note form — lectures , private reading in textbooks and technical papers , conversations , seminars , and experimental work .
8 My view is that there are at least five issues of importance in the design of antitrust policies towards co-operative R&D ventures which arise from comparing these two different initiatives .
9 There are at least five paintings dealing with episodes in Penelope 's story .
10 On that side of the road there are at least five derelict buildings with many more in a poor state of repair .
11 There are at least five main classifications of the global system in current usage and they are all state-centred .
12 There are at least five types of hepatitis caused by different hepatitis viruses .
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