Example sentences of "[am/are] use as a " in BNC.

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1 The er Britannic that was one of the biggest boats at that time of the day , they 're using as a hospital ship .
2 This is my fucking heart you 're using as a football .
3 they 're using as a spoon !
4 Um y'know all these things were not very pleasant and yet you 're used as a child , you 're used as a child to have grown-ups um be able to inflict things on you .
5 Um y'know all these things were not very pleasant and yet you 're used as a child , you 're used as a child to have grown-ups um be able to inflict things on you .
6 ‘ Prices are used as a barrier so that the sort of people we do n't want go over the road , ’ he said .
7 PCBs are used as a ‘ marker ’ to measure the incinerator efficiency , because they are very stable organic compounds .
8 Sometimes they are told to demonstrate what new recruits ( and the field-worker ) can expect ; on other occasions they are told to illustrate the funny or the tragic sides of policing ; or are used as a vehicle for the story-teller to display some features about him or herself , such as his or her experience and skill and ability in handling all things , and that he or she is professional in being able to talk about horror in a cold and detached manner .
9 In summer , the scrubbed slatted shelves inside the fruit house are used as a temporary store for soft fruits .
10 Essences are used as a periodic treatment ; either once a week or daily for two weeks with a three to four week interval before resuming again .
11 They now belong to Harveys of Bristol , and are used as a wine museum , displaying tools and casks and the history of wine and sherry .
12 Prepared videos of realistic interviews are used as a basis for discussion too .
13 Other planning departments draw strategic conclusions from their own competitive analyses and these are used as a direct input into the final corporate plan .
14 The spot rates for each currency change throughout the day and are used as a basis for establishing appropriate exchange rates for mail transfers , travellers ' cheques and currency notes .
15 Here the conifers are used as a nurse crop and are progressively being removed to reveal an extensive beech forest .
16 Rhizomes of A. rigidifolius are used as a medicinal herb in the East .
17 The Directive 's aim is to ensure that partnerships that are used as a vehicle by limited liability companies are not exempt from the accounting requirements of the Fourth and Seventh Directives .
18 Terms are used as a way of encouraging active thinking about language and its uses .
19 The first is that where dictionaries are used as a data source often little is known about , for example , how formal the sign is , whether there are other social or regional variants , how well the translation represents the meaning of the sign .
20 There are no Dwarf delvings here , and the rocky uplands are used as a refuge by Chaos warbands , Beastmen , Orcs and marauding Goblins .
21 The Lele are subsistence cultivators , growing maize , ground-nuts , and raffia palms from whose fronds they weave mats which are used as a special currency — a rare case of money really growing on trees .
22 Rates of sickness absence are used as a measure of morbidity .
23 A different criticism is that non-statutory rules are undesirable if they are used as a substitute for legislation to achieve ends which might encounter political opposition in Parliament .
24 This potential weakness has to be borne in mind when macroeconomic models are used as a basis for policy prescription .
25 In sections 4.2–4.7 certain elementary relations between sets are used as a model to generate ( i ) a basic set of paradigmatic lexical relations and ( ii ) a set of concepts which can be applied to other relations , yielding clearly defined and systematic variants .
26 Shepherds ' huts like this are used as a shelter during the winter and spring , when shepherds have to stay out all night in the fields , looking after very young lambs .
27 They are used as a piece of shorthand by historians .
28 When the comparative method of land valuation is used problems may sometimes arise where unrealistic transactions are used as a guide or base value , particularly at the point when land values are about to fall , as happened in 1973 .
29 The only positive freedom is the freedom to use our creativity — and when machines are used as a substitute for labour rather than as an extension of our abilities , they deny us that freedom .
30 Most improtant is that homeworkers are easily disposed of ‘ Outworkers are used as a buffer against market fluctuations , particularly in the manufacturing sectors ’ said the Employment Gazette blandly .
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