Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you are writing about a twentieth-century author and you want ideas about the author or what to say about her or him , you can use the massive reference work published by Gale , Contemporary Authors ( which lists biographical and bibliographical information , together with other relevant comments ) and Contemporary Literary Criticism , which is described as " excerpts from criticism of the works of today 's novelists , poets , playwrights and other creative writers " .
2 ‘ Karen was telling me you are writing about the workforce rather than about the plant 's operational side .
3 I am writing about a monstrous ordinariness .
4 They are home for a week or a month ; the rest of the time they are wandering about the world .
5 Some little image , some detail you 've noticed — you 're writing about a little country shop , just describing it , and your poem ends up with an existentialist account of your experience .
6 And finally , erm again we 've been told that you either not remembering or you 're lying about the trousers .
7 Erm the funiculars they 're quibbling about the final payment .
8 ‘ We 're up in the air at the moment , ’ Bono concludes a line of conversation where we 're wondering about the direction and attitude of new music ( But can you trust it ? ) especially those current wagon hoppers such as Killing Joke ( J'accuse ! ) .
9 No the , we 're moving about a bit now , there 'll be an element of long-line but there is er I know a lot of ladies will be relieved to know , there is a shorter length coming back in .
10 ‘ You 're calling about the cocaine shipment , ’ he said .
11 erm if you 're asking about the twinning off erm compared with spending on recreation , or on erm environmental health or something , well yes , of course , we do have to make choices .
12 Is that what you 're talking about now when you 're saying about the about erm you did n't know what to About being frightened you 've said a few times .
13 laugh , unfortunately you ca n't erm ca n't erm when I was giving this similar lecture two or three years ago , erm there was er a student in the class she put up her hand she said yes , she said that 's absolutely right she said , what you 're saying about the female does n't have to submit she said I used to work as a , as a stable maid at Newmarket at a stud farm and she said er you 've got ta have five people for er er to cover a mare .
14 You or it 's implied in what you 're saying about the er the burgeoning self-confidence that people become responsible for particular avenues .
15 I do n't therefore understand what you 're saying about the single star .
16 catalogue with Yeah , those three games are making they 're making games they 're saying about the twelve-hundred Renegade
17 ‘ You have just been telling me about the steamy heat of New York in summer — and now you 're moaning about the cold weather here in London ! ’
18 And now you 're moaning about the diet !
19 You will all find yellow sheets of paper if wondering why we 're reading about the .
20 Once again , we 're hearing about the phenomenon of the hemline that plummets in a recession .
21 When you 're arguing about the money to be spend on repairs , and for example the reason why we 've had to get strict budgetary control on the amount of money which is being spent on repairs , is because that money all comes out of tenants ' rents , and it 's basically a balance — if we want to increase the erm numbers and the standard of repairs that we offer as a landlord , then it has to be met by a further increase in rents , and we think we 've got the balance about right at the moment .
22 ‘ You 're talking about a world that seems light years from here .
23 But then , in a way , you 're talking about a family reunion …
24 We are not just talking about an environmental nuisance here — we 're talking about a real threat to life .
25 We 're talking about a child who died , not a living patient .
26 ‘ We 're talking about a guy who 's almost faultless . ’
27 ‘ We 're talking about a lifetime of commitment and I do n't think people realise what that entails .
28 ‘ I do n't want to sound patronizing , Paul , but you 're talking about a fuel-load/ power ratio which is just not feasible .
29 We 're talking about a low-end package that includes full Pantone colour support .
30 We 're talking about a man 's life here .
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