Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Now we 're meeting that in full and I 'm glad to see that all three fiscal groups er proposing to meet that in full .
2 It was sensible , as Mrs Thatcher had , ‘ to counsel caution in the maelstrom , but it all depends on whether you 're saying that in order to guide events in a steady fashion or whether you 're using it as an alibi to do nothing .
3 ‘ You 're saying that in a building — a skyscraper , say — on the top floor , the clocks go faster than those on the ground floor ! ’
4 The clocks work normally — perfectly normally , whether they 're accelerating or in strong gravity .
5 In Winter we 're digging and in summer we eat outside as much as possible and enjoy looking at the fruits of our labour . "
6 Erm , I just think that over the generations er ma a er perhaps we 're forgetting that in the seventies , for instance , er well , cannabis was a at that time a popular , a popular thing , but you also had ecstasy is n't either the main thing in the in the papers
7 And all of that makes it easier for those who are leading or in control to change the policies and get acceptance .
8 Chairman , could I just mention to the Committee , on Shropshire child care links , erm , the County Council of course , is also the registration body that erm , registers childminders and day care , and erm , while obviously this is very much to be supported and ties in with Social Services ' own requirements to promote child care , it should not be seen , and we should perhaps , Bruce make a , we can have discussions with , we should be careful to endorse , the giving of this money does n't necessarily imply or endorse the standards of the people on their books , who may be people that the County Council in another arm , are investigating and in some cases , taking action to close down .
9 According to this version , the turn towards services — the shift in the balance of employment from manufacturing to services — is the direction in which all the major industrial economies are moving and in itself need not be seen as a problem .
10 Friedman points out that in this economy , workers are suffering from money illusion : they believe that real wages are rising when in fact both money wages and prices are rising , leaving real wages unchanged .
11 We 've , we 've got the erm , we 've got the six hundred organizations running so far about three thousand events , probably a few more if you count every single er course that some of the training schools are running but in terms of key events I 'm very confident in being able to say there are three thousand events running around the country about half of which are new and that 's the important thing so about fifteen hundred new and inaugural events that did n't go on last year or the year before Belinda the R Y A Public Relations Officer has been coordinating the public relations campaign and these days to get the young pe young people and those young people whose parents do n't sail because it 's to get at the people whose parents do sail , you 've actually got to get in the media and er we 've been on Blue Peter , we 've been on Going Live another children 's programme on a Saturday morning and
12 But he told Mr Brown : ‘ You are saying that in some way income-related benefits have to be adjusted for particular price rises that occur .
13 I 'm saying that in my experience there is too much argument and not enough discussion in processes of government generally , and I believe we would make more progress by a more discursive approach .
14 Could I make a constructive suggestion in this context of board salaries or remunerations or compensation packages or bonuses I 'm saying that in a slightly tongue in cheek way because I believe that the majority of shareholders do n't understand the differences between these concepts , as you gentlemen evidently do .
15 In the present proceedings the joint administrators are alleging that in July 1989 the company had £1.3m. standing to the credit of its bank account in England .
16 In the circumstances of the current re–organisation however , employees will be allowed to retain the new level of protected hours , in a higher grade post if the result is a saving due to the reduction in staff numbers , either in the post they are vacating or in a lower graded post further down the structure or if his replacement is being appointed on the grade and hours required in the final structure .
17 To the left is the great waterfall — the cirque has numerous supporting ones — which comes down in one huge leap of 1,400 feet when the snows are melting or in two rather more modest leaps once they are finished .
18 Er we did erm er go through the selection procedure with internal candidates but were unable to appoint , and so therefore are advertising that in the press in the normal way er although both candidates have been told that they may reapply .
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