Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] and have " in BNC.

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1 While it makes little sense to talk of criticism of the physical world , it makes every sense to talk of criticism turned on to the theories and concepts which science has produced to explain the external world , for they could certainly be other than they are.8 Unfortunately , we sometimes give the impression in science and technological education that the current models , terms and theories of science are given and have merely to be assimilated by students .
2 These data on colonic permeability are limited and have not been correlated to the degree of inflammation present .
3 In the church , the blacks have no hymnbooks , and we are told that even if they had them they probably could not read them , showing that the blacks are oppressed and have no opportunity of an education .
4 Icelandic cattle today still show some likeness to those of Shetland and have developed under similar environmental conditions ; the main differences are that the Shetlands are horned and now invariably black-and-white pied , whereas the great majority of Icelandics are polled and have retained the older colours .
5 ‘ I 've always bought when other people are squeezed and have got to sell .
6 ‘ I would appeal to anyone who does see children that are disturbed and have a complete change in behavioural patterns since Friday to come forward . ’
7 They 're discredited and have nowhere to go , ’ Paula protested .
8 Bolton 's letters ( The Letters of an English Merchant in Madeira , 1695–1714 ) are preserved and have been published part in book form and part in duplicated form .
9 Other writers have emphasized the narrow social strata from which judges are drawn and have questioned the degree to which they are able to relate to ordinary people and to stand up against the powerful and the rich .
10 If the retailer does not receive some of the goods he ordered , or if any items are damaged and have to be returned , the manufacturer or wholesaler may issue a credit note .
11 The male 's olfactory organs are his antennae , which are enlarged and have a fine mesh of side-branches ; they are so sensitive that , according to the experiments of Dietrich Schneider , a single molecule of bombykol elicits a response in the sensory neuron of the male .
12 Irregular words and those not dealt with by the set of suffices are marked and have their own entries .
13 Provided your ferrets are trained and have been handled well and you have developed a good relationship with them they will not bite you .
14 An understanding of why settlements are deserted and have presumably been relocated can be revealed from an examination of the chronology of the settlements and by comparison with the locational qualities of later sites .
15 When parents are overstressed and have little energy or patience they may give in quickly to be left alone .
16 ‘ It would seem odd that facilities so much sought after by the community and approved by their legislators should be actionable at common law because they have been brought to the places where they are required and have escaped without negligence by an unforeseen series of mishaps . ’
17 The roles of chairman and chief executive are segregated and have been so for nine years .
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