Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If your holiday dates are pre-set then set great care should be taken to ensure you 're adequately equipped for the worst of possible conditions .
2 As we shall suggest later , the relationships in which the inhabitants are enmeshed often encourage soil degradation and erosion in fragile environments — which has the effect of a vicious circle and makes it even harder for transitional and progressive technical ( and political ) changes to be made .
3 For example , salespeople of media space in newspapers which are given away free to the public often encounter the following objection .
4 The , the amount of money is allocated on a weighted mileage basis so it 's to do with the length of mileages in the area and it also reflects the various types of surveys that are done to assess the condition of the , the roads in the various areas , so that 's how the money is first divided up on an area basis , but within that all the schemes that are listed here have been promulgated either from such as yourself , from members of the general public , or as a result of our own inspections er and a priority has been assessed to them in a methodical way .
5 , look at the sentence below , will the management charges greatly increase , the answers no because time has shown the management charges rise at a rate below the level of inflation I suggest it to you to the ordinary person , they would think that the management charges there meant the costs that are listed above see
6 The people who are caught then become Loch Ness Monsters until everyone is caught .
7 There is also a tendency to prefer married men ( single men over 30 are considered somewhat suspect ) , and wives are often asked to appear before selection committees .
8 Does the assessment and the way that results are reported accurately reflect what progress has been made ?
9 In general has ten independent components so that when these eight constraints are imposed there remain just two independent components of .
10 of its shareholders and directors reside and are domiciled there serve to prove the existence of a real economic link between the operations of the vessel and the populations dependent on fisheries and related industries .
11 The decisions that are made also help to determine the kind of people who will eventually live in the houses that are built and therefore the nature of the village community .
12 Children are made especially welcome in Leogang — there are lots of activities arranged for them .
13 Under Pressure , officially opened yesterday in Chelmsford , is aimed at all those who feel they have just too much flab to fight it in public , but perhaps the biggest difference between this gym and any other is the fact that physically disabled people are made especially welcome .
14 What makes it manageable is that the carbon-based compounds of which living things are made mainly belong to one of four classes : carbohydrates , fats , proteins , and nucleic acids .
15 No they 're done yet love .
16 Erm , the idea is that letters are uniquely sep specified by different combinations of features , but certain letters would share more features than others So the idea is that you might consider that the letter X is made up of two features line going that way , whoops , yeah , and a line going that way , which when they 're viewed together make the letter X. The letter Y is made up of a line going that way and a line going that way .
17 So when you 're finished here take the combine on down to Pope 's Bottom ready for the morning .
18 While you 're stood up while you 're stood up have a second and well each worship , right ?
19 The markets in which they are sold often include a small number of very large customers , such as , for example in the UK : * fuel oil — Ministry of Defence , British Railways ; P & O , Sealink and other large shipping companies ( etc ) ; * paint — Central and local government authorities , British Railways , car manufacturers ( etc ) .
20 Unlike the Japanese martial art of karate , kung fu employs very few kicks , and those that are used rarely go higher than the waist .
21 When the passengers are cleaned up see if you can get this young lady , Irene Charial , alone and find out if she knows anything about the layout of the engine-room .
22 The circumstances in which part of these 24 hour studies are performed closely resemble the circumstances in which our studies were carried out .
23 An overdose can happen sometimes because the quality of drugs that are produced illegally vary according to how much they have been " tampered " with to increase the profit to the dealer .
24 Classical criminology did not assume that existing legal definitions of crime and the way they are enforced necessarily constitute this objective category .
25 Muscles are made up of fibres which have different mechanical properties , and two of the main groups of fibres are called fast twitch fibres and slow twitch fibres .
26 One of the most admired scholars for the Review 's contributors is E. K. Chambers , and the terms in which he , and his work , are praised clearly reveal shared assumptions regarding desirable professional attributes .
27 I am known yet do not exist at all .
28 ‘ Tell yer what I 'm prepared ter do , ’ the totter said as he scratched his ear .
29 I 'm pledged ter get the best fer me men , an' the bosses jus ' keep remindin' me about the number out o' collar .
30 The mortises for the laths are cut slightly undersize with a round front edge so that a slight taper is planed on the laths for a good wedge fit .
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