Example sentences of "[am/are] [coord] [Wh det] we " in BNC.

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1 Elaine , a 16-year-old girl who has spent most of her life on the streets of Rio de Janeiro , in Brazil , puts it better : ‘ I dream of a better world , a world where children and adults are no longer abandoned , tortured and murdered because of who we are or what we do …
2 Regardless of who we are or what we may do in life all of us have an upper limit to the stress that our bodies can take .
3 The greater the sense of pride in who we are and what we do , the more we feel we deserve reward and praise .
4 For most of us , though , gaining recognition from others is to some extent dependent on our confidence in letting others know who we are and what we 're about .
5 It is important that we help each other tell the truth about who we are and what we 've done .
6 We feel subjectively that we have the ability to choose who we are and what we do .
7 If the company ‘ goes under ’ , I fear R will regard the years he has spent on it as wasted , it seems to be a feature of modern society that we tend to judge who we are and what we 've achieved , even what success is , by our work above everything else .
8 Look at what they are and what we are .
9 ‘ We want to make sure that UK handling agents , Scottish hotels and in particular coach operators are aware of who we are and what we have to offer their clients . ’
10 Maybe one of you good bodies over the water would fax this to Elland Road with a short message stating who we are and what we want : - ) )
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