Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] that the " in BNC.

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1 It 's unfair for another reason : most of the walkers , climbers and cavers that come to the Dales , the Lakes and the mountains come because they love them , because they respect them and care for them and want to keep them the way they are so that the people of the future can enjoy the wildness and the greatness of the earth .
2 The motives for seeking office are partly that the life of a backbench MP soon becomes unsatisfactory and offers so little scope for achievement , for registering even the smallest impact on a restricted area of.public life , that the average MP looks with envy on any minister who has a positive job to perform , however limited the field .
3 The fears are now that the outgoing government of the Christian Democrats , Socialists , Liberals and Social Democrats will no longer be able to command a majority , leaving a plethora of parties from which it will be impossible to form a working coalition .
4 The conditions to be satisfied are simply that the meaning ‘ must be one which lex will tolerate and one which dispels the uncertainty in such a manner as to settle the dispute without immediately provoking further controversy ’ .
5 If you accept the amendment of er Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh , he would say it set an upper and a lower limit o o of the size of erm o of police authority and the chances are then that the number will gradually i inflate so that it 's always the highest number , that is that is obtained .
6 The major conclusions are therefore that the market economy is a remarkably efficient way of creating wealth largely because it succeeds in utilising more information than alternative economic systems ; that for a market economy to work , the society of which it is part needs to believe in certain kinds of values : it must lay great store by individual responsibility and also have a non-egalitarian view of what constitutes social justice ; that the so called ‘ crisis ’ of capitalism results from a prevailing set of cultural values , typified by Freudianism and Marxism , which are contrary to those needed for the market economy to prosper , that humanism as a philosophy can not guarantee to generate the appropriate values , and that Christianity can provide such values and has indeed done so during the period of industrialisation throughout much of the Western world , but in consequence the kind of market economy which is then championed is different from that currently defined by the libertarian philosophy of Professor Friedman and Professor Hayek .
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