Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If the 20 per cent of records that are most accessed are loaded first , the situation is quite different .
2 Accordingly , women may abandon them and try to fit into institutional patterns which make no sense to them but which they are constantly assured are superior .
3 And it goes back to what we were saying about why some of these founders types which are somewhat slapdash are more readable and more interesting and get your attention .
4 But the notion of things which are naturally hidden is most important for Gassendi .
5 You certainly wo n't miraculously ensure perfect spelling by helping pupils to use dictionaries , but you will find that it 's time well spent , because the main use to which dictionaries are normally put is to check spellings .
6 An additional and severe problem is that the volumes of data which are already collected are huge by the standards of only a decade ago .
7 I mean some of those some of those are already done are n't they .
8 The numbers of the bilingual service providers which are already mentioned are growing slowly .
9 It appears that the dads who are already paying are the one 's who are paying and nobody seems to chasing after the others .
10 But campaigners say fathers who are already paying are being treated unfairly .
11 He 's just he 's just got one a long way out though right looks as though we 've either just missed one and they Oh no they are just coming are n't they ? just missed one there
12 Well as I 've s as I 've said earlier , erm what we 're basically saying is that because these erm sites do not perform a greenbelt function and er they then fall into a white land situation , that that white land is a is an area of land that becomes er at the end of the plan period in two thousand and six , er they are areas which could be considered development .
13 Now , there 's an , there 's an alternative being put forward as a compromise , but a a compromise is n't a compromise , the compromise as it looks er involving us , and we 're all Party members , as already indicated , as individuals and saying top up , let's top up , we 're already paying are n't we , the political levy , let's pay a bit more , right , is actually one that reduces our input as an organization .
14 We 're normally drinking are n't we , we 're out somewhere , boogying the night
15 Oh you 're just hovering are you ?
16 Now we go on Oh we 're still writing are we ?
17 and they 're , they 're they 're still involved are n't they ?
18 say ten , eleven , twelve , thirteen you , you 're still growing are n't you ?
19 You 're still going are you ?
20 Wh what you 're also saying is , is right though , that within that the danger is that inequalities get too great and you would also need a set of policies which would stop that inequality .
21 So , I believe that what you 're also saying is that even if there were war , that would n't necessarily mean that the tap would suddenly turn off and there 'd be no more oil coming out of the Middle East ?
22 You 're nearly laughing are n't you ?
23 And and we yes , I 'm not sure whether we 're published or broadcast , I think we 're probably narrowcast are n't we ?
24 They 're probably insured are n't they ?
25 A strong one , you 're really celebrating are you ?
26 Yeah but the only thing you 're really doing is , is taking away this nominal erm exploitive relationship , you 're still gon na be exploiting the of existing
27 And they may not be able to cope with that , which is why I am always a little bit anxious if marriages break up very quickly , because it might indicate that what they 're really doing is just going into that second phase .
28 What you 're really saying is that I 've no right to ask Madeleine to make sacrifices .
29 That 's right but I think j I think just the fact that you 're doing psychology and then psychology again in a way I think that 's the pr I agree with you , what you 're really saying is , I mean how many people would object , or how many people would prefer to have the straight two hours rather than the two single hours ?
30 And she was glad to have the strength of anger against him as she deciphered coolly , ‘ What you 're really saying is that either I leave Travis alone , or , if you ca n't get me over the Norwood & Chambers contract , you wo n't rest until you find some other contract I 've had small dealings with and which did n't work out , which added together will amount to dereliction of duty . ’
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