Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If those figures are right of four hundred and ten now you do n't need to be a real big mathematician , even at this time of night , but you , if you have the two hundred and thirty four out of commission and you 've got to have those cos that 's got ta be a rolling programme each four years .
2 It is appropriate to talk of ‘ marginalization ’ and ‘ peripheralization ’ because these terms are descriptive of social process , but the underclass model reduces capitalism to a description and confines action to moral outrage and good will .
3 And there is no point denying that I suffer from Denial , because this means only that I am guilty of Deep Denial .
4 Moreover , their parents are supportive of modern language , not only in theory , but also in practice , and they wish their children to have access to the modern language curriculum .
5 Staff work together and are supportive of each other and have been involved in the decision-making process through the various ‘ teams ’ that make up the management of the school .
6 Under the scheme , forest management and surveillance will be maintained and local people will be permitted to continue to exploit the forest in ways that are supportive of existing ecosystems .
7 It is also necessary to understand that many people with disabilities are apprehensive of well-managed services providing continuity .
8 So whether your tastes are low of highbrow , I have no doubt you will enjoy ‘ The Grudge Match : Amis v Barnes ’ , page 78 , an account of the latest round in a long-standing snooker grudge match between two of Britain 's best known novelists .
9 All these men are guilty of horrific crimes .
10 When you believe that you are guilty of all the pain caused by your own pregnancy , birth and subsequent existence , then the burden really does bend your back , and it takes the labours of Hercules to try and straighten it .
11 Both men are guilty of grave violations of human rights in their own countries and elsewhere .
12 Unless you are guilty of gross misconduct , it will seldom be fair to dismiss you for a first breach of discipline .
13 In such a time anyone who lacks the courage to be curious and questioning , the capacity to grow into new competencies , and the confidence to communicate and collaborate with others , is severely handicapped , and his or her educators are guilty of gross dereliction of duty .
14 No doubt , there 's several of you here who are guilty of this .
15 ‘ You realise that you are guilty of withholding information in a murder case ? ’
16 Guilt is culpable responsibility — we are guilty of some specific offence , or we may be seen by others or see them as so ; in this sense we carry the more or less factual responsibility for damage or potential damage to some other person(s) or society as a whole .
17 If you are not sure whether or not you are guilty of these or any other irritating mannerisms ask someone you know really well to tell you and consciously work to stop yourself when doing your mock interview ( see p. 61 ) .
18 They inhabit flat areas of densely planted muddy waters in Venezuela , Brazil and Paraguay and are tolerant of low oxygen levels and high water temperatures .
19 A survey of the biota of the river between 1979 and 1981 revealed that the macroinvertebrate fauna had been adversely affected , involving loss of diversity and the proliferation of a few species which are tolerant of high levels of pollution .
20 The larger predators require large surroundings and as many are gross feeders , are tolerant of less than perfect water quality .
21 Both these quotations are representative of many studies in this field .
22 We have all worked very hard to make sure that our district societies are representative of all members and I am sure that a breakdown of the composition of committees would prove this .
23 This is a longitudinal study of approximately 1,600 young people who are representative of all Liverpool school-leavers .
24 Although the entry in the general dictionary understandably includes a variety of collocations that are representative of other domains ( e.g. ’ vote ’ , ’ politic ’ , ’ conservative ’ , ’ society ’ , and ’ public ’ , all of which suggest an origin in parliamentary proceedings ) , there are still a large number of words common to both entries .
25 Recovered cases should not be mixed with uninfected horses until nasal swabs are clear of any bacterial growth .
26 A horse that has apparently recovered completely can remain a carrier for a considerable time and therefore should not be mixed with uninfected horses until nasal swabs are clear of any bacterial growth .
27 Crewe are top of div 3 by 8 points , and had not lost for about 15 games , so were always going to have confidence , good organisation and scoring ability .
28 I am fond of this manichean world .
29 A similar argument applies to cases where investment is lumpy ( e.g. large processing plants ) : agreements to take turns in investing may be necessary to avoid excess capacity being built ( or to avoid insufficient capacity being built as firms are afraid of excess capacity ! ) .
30 Some women are afraid of physical violence or abuse from their partners , if they try to make changes in their relationship .
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