Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 It has one of the finest outlooks on the Solway coast ; the views of the bay and beaches are panoramic and in the far distance Lake District peaks can be seen .
2 Predation has greatest impact on small mammal populations when they are low or in decline and less impact when populations are increasing .
3 Do not fast if you are pregnant or in any way unwell .
4 This approach does not reduce to a simple acceptance that the child or the family are deficient and in need of ‘ treatment . ’
5 The remains are extensive and in good condition showing frescoes , mosaics and marbles .
6 In fact , if we look at a conversation like Conversation B or Conversation D , where all the participants are British-born and in their late teens or twenties , it is most often the case that a Creole utterance does not receive a Creole response .
7 Mr Neill , whose grandfather founded the company , said : ‘ I am sorry that in the future I will not have any shares in the company that bears my surname . ’
8 An alternative form might be for the corporation to sell a proportion of its products at strictly cost price to those sections of the community who are under-privileged and in need of these occasional subsidies .
9 Generally , lower doses are used than in organ transplantation .
10 The two tasks are interrelated but in this book we separate them and look in this chapter at the first and most difficult task .
11 The disk is round covered by coarse scales amongst which the centrodorsal and primary plates are indistinguishable except in small individuals ; diameter up to 5 mm , usually smaller .
12 They are afraid that in tampering with language , feminists may be able to tamper with reality .
13 A feature of such stories is their selectivity , for they omit to mention the number of part-time reserve police who are unemployed or in low-status employment , or who sign up for mercenary reasons or for the power and respect that they believe accompanies the uniform .
14 Children do not recognize the physical cues of when they want to empty their bladder until they reach the ages of 12 to 18 months ( Leach 1975 ; Lask 1985 ) and so it is unlikely that children trained before this age are reliable or in control .
15 The figure in this field is used by LIFESPAN to calculate the number of blocks which are free or in use , as displayed at option 9.3.0 — Update Availability of Media .
16 Some parts of the connection are old and in need of review .
17 I am delighted that in Walsall , as in the other trusts around the country , more patients are being treated more effectively and morale is good .
18 I am delighted that in a rapidly expanding area like Haughton young families will now have easy access to a nursery for their children .
19 The visible glamour and affluence of the likes of Maurice Hope , Justin Fashanu and Daley Thompson are seductive and in many cases , irresistible .
20 Usually only the tips of the radial shields are visible but in some specimens a large distal portion of the shield may be visible .
21 And for children ⅕ of the amount of those benefits stated for adults are payable except in the case of a fatal accident where 1/50 of the total benefit would be paid . )
22 We are delighted that in her new capacity Jill will have a continuing relationship with FYT 's public relations and funding needs .
23 The VGA graphics used are colourful and in high resolution as you would expect .
24 Comment : The procedures are vague and in practice delegated almost entirely to schools .
25 Half the time we carry on as if we did n't have a body : and we only think about our bodies if they trouble us — if we 're hungry or in pain .
26 ‘ We 're young and in love and it 's natural , ’ she said in her open , uninhibited way .
27 It is from this group that more collapses are likely or in which reorganizations and consolidations will occur .
28 In other words , their senses are natural and in no way ‘ extra ’ .
29 Both men are white and in their mid twenties .
30 Increasingly , it has been necessary to think in terms of creating our own learning environment in a separate Women 's Education Centre in which men as students , teachers or visiting authorities are unwelcome and in which women act independently for themselves .
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