Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 You 'll be surprised to learn that I am still in Nanking : I 've been in hospital for 6 days with gastro-enteritis , but I 'm glad to say now I 'm fine , and am due to travel to Shanghai tomorrow .
2 Unfortunately , the government has not yet backed up this realization with sufficient hard cash , and the benefits available for supporting relatives are paltry compared to the costs incurred by the state if someone is in long-term institutional care .
3 Encourage those who are mobile to go to the toilet on their own .
4 ‘ This has come out of the blue , and we are due to go to Argentina next summer , ’ said Wood .
5 Claims that unusually large numbers of cataracts , cancers and other eye diseases in sheep , cattle and rabbits in southern Chile are due to overexposure to ultraviolet radiation ( as a result of ozone depletion over Antarctica ) have been put into question by a study conducted by researchers from John Hopkins University and Chilean health and veterinary authorities .
6 According to security sources , she is likely to return to London around January 6 , well before her sons are due to return to their boarding school at Ludgrove , Berks .
7 We now know that babies whose mothers are depressed continue to be affected even after the mother has recovered .
8 How individuals come across on television usually depends on how much understanding , effort and practice they are prepared to give to it .
9 The more interested pupils are in what they write , the more attention they are prepared to give to its appearance , including spelling .
10 I accept that the Government have the right to determine the amount of money that they are prepared to give to local government .
11 I do not believe that the British public are prepared to move to a property tax .
12 We have to assure counsellees that we are prepared to listen to their difficulties .
13 A good example is the ‘ right ’ to tax diversion ( see Dignan , Chapter 6 ) — while British Courts are prepared to listen to arguments based on statutory rights , and may well be prepared to listen to arguments grounded in International Law , they are far less willing , at present , to accept arguments based on concepts of ( natural ) rights .
14 You will find that people will confide in you and tell you their secrets and unveil their emotions if you are prepared to listen to them .
15 But since then things have changed , and if they are prepared to go to a little trouble and expense they can now acquire a cat that will almost certainly give them no problems .
16 If tens of thousands of people are prepared to take to the streets and to camp outside obscure air-force bases for months on end , what will they do when cruise becomes a reality ?
17 ‘ Fraulein , I understand from Bruno that you are prepared to swear to a document that Corporal Blagg brought you some death certificates on the night when Herr Hochhauser — ( thank God he had remembered the name ) ‘ — the Standesbeamte from Bad Schwarzendorn was murdered .
18 For as each of the speakers agreed , it will be those booksellers and publishers who are prepared to respond to new and changing circumstances , while preserving the best of the old order , who will ultimately reap the benefit .
19 The key to successful time management is knowing what you want to achieve , how much it means to you , and how much of your time and energy you are prepared to devote to it .
20 Both men are prepared to talk to me : Carmichael went out of his way to , and now he even employs me .
21 Few financial institutions are prepared to lend to proprietors and partnerships on this basis .
22 I AM writing to ask if any readers have business cards — not necessarily their own — which they are prepared to donate to my collection with the hope that , one day , it may be large enough to gain some form of record .
23 the Government will throw aside the whole of these [ competition ] plans and consider what accommodation it is they want , and what sum of money they are prepared to propose to Parliament , and then let them obtain plans suited to the expenditure they propose .
24 As is most common in holistic healing , too few people are prepared to stick to the dietary disciplines –or long .
25 He argued that to implement a ‘ Non-Alignment Pact ’ in a civil war between an incumbent government supported by one Great Power and insurgents supported by another Great Power ‘ a coalition government must be formed comprising those elements of both Government and insurgent forces which are prepared to come to a compromise and work together in the context of non-alignment ’ .
26 There will exist a real wage rate ( Layard calls this the ‘ feasible real wage rate ’ ) which employers are prepared to grant to workers .
27 ‘ The cells are luxurious compared to some of the things we put up with in the Army , ’ said one staff member during a Press tour of the jail .
28 Interiors are light owing to the large clerestory and aisle windows .
29 I am willing to submit to a test .
30 I am willing to talk to anyone who comes to me with a proposed solution that they believe the House would accept — including the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , West and other Labour Members .
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