Example sentences of "[Wh det] may [vb infin] been " in BNC.

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1 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
2 He is frequently described as ‘ having the stoop of an ageing crop-picker and the face of a curious little boy ’ — which may have been true 30 years ago , but now belongs to the discard-tray with other caricatures : caricatures , as Oscar Wilde observed , are compliments that mediocrity pays to genius .
3 THE LONDON Ambulance service , hardest hit by the national overtime ban , is to investigate two deaths last week which may have been caused by staff shortages .
4 Leaders of ambulance crews argue that their industrial action , in protest at a 6.5 per cent pay offer , has exposed the lack of personnel which may have been responsible for the deaths .
5 It has a long , narrow plan , the northern end of which may have been used for stabling horses or housing the cattle .
6 Compartmentation of the interior means that the building is experienced in a new way — details which were once distant ( and which may have been executed in the knowledge that they would not be viewed at close hand ) are seen in ‘ close-up ’ for the first time and in relation to much smaller and more intimate spaces ( Plate 20 ) .
7 The first stage is to gather as large a sample of coins as possible by assembling a collection of plaster casts or photographs of specimens in the world 's principal museums , together with other specimens which may have been illustrated in numerous auction catalogues or hoard publications .
8 Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues .
9 This represents a major step forward in unlocking the commercial potential of our inner cities and of breathing new life into areas which may have been derelict for many years .
10 However , any kinship which may have been struck up was completely ruined by Owen 's insistence that ‘ Panic ’ was an anti-black music song .
11 But most importantly , no information was given on the location of recurrence of the disease which may have been of prognostic importance .
12 In some cases bodies were covered with red ochre , which may have been intended to simulate blood , in the hope of averting physical extinction .
13 The generation of numbers was regarded by the early Pythagoreans as an actual physical operation occurring in space and time , and the basic cosmogonical process was identified with the generation of numbers from the initial unit , the Monad , which may have been a sophisticated version of the earlier Orphic idea of the primeval World-egg .
14 This idea of metempsychosis , or transmigration of souls , has only occasionally appeared in the West , in particular in the school of Pythagoras , which may have been subject to Eastern influences , since he was roughly contemporaneous with Buddha — and also with Zarathustra .
15 When it came , the eruption was of massive proportions and deposited a great thickness of ash which completely buried the town , and it set off great tidal waves which may have been responsible for the termination of the Minoan civilization by ravaging the coastal towns all around Crete .
16 Great thicknesses of pumice and ash had piled up on the slopes of Vesuvius above Herculaneum , and this loose material very rapidly became saturated by torrential rainstorms which may have been triggered by the eruption cloud itself : the dust particles acting as nuclei on which water vapour could condense to form droplets .
17 Not only have investors miscalculated the willingness of British people to join organisations — which may have been due to a lack of appreciation of the different cultures on each side of the Atlantic , disguised by a common language — but the benefits on offer through these so-called affinity schemes can be obtained in this country through countless other sources .
18 There are about nine records but only four for this century : an immature was seen near Lancing College on 12 December 1954 , which may have been an escape ; an immature was found dead at Rye on 29 September 1969 ; a sub-adult was seen at Sidlesham Ferry on 27 May 1970 .
19 These , among others , are connected with the somewhat mathematical concept which may have been generated by the introduction of the use of the word ‘ unit ’ as applicable to ‘ goodness ’ .
20 For years dowsers have been detecting ‘ black streams ’ which may have been causing accidents or illness .
21 It is another which may have been a christianised pagan ritual , evolved from dancing round a sacred site or stone on which a church was eventually built .
22 Which may have been the reason , but also sounded like a threat .
23 The information gained from such provings is enlarged by adding in any known toxic effects of the remedy in question which may have been noted in cases of poisoning ( either accidental or otherwise ) and is completed by noting any symptoms and signs which were not observed in the provings but which cleared up unexpectedly in patients given that remedy on the provings indications .
24 This leaves us with the possibility that , while the previous life the patient describes may not actually have happened , he is not deliberately inventing it but relating something which may have been created in his subconscious mind and which he really believes to be true .
25 Normally , any limiting adjustment which may have been made to the amount of positive pitch available will be overridden by this control .
26 For instance , an effectively compulsory change of year end could affect a firm 's billing cycle , which may have been agreed with clients : this would no doubt have cash flow consequences for both firm and client .
27 Wide area networks , which may have been installed initially to link the geographically remote branches of a company , are increasingly expanding to enable the company to transact business with its customers and suppliers electronically — worldwide .
28 Joan Waters , too , was left in peace apart from the following two minor incidents which may have been attempts to impress upon her that she had not moved beyond the reach of the long arm of the undercover services .
29 After a great expansion of HP in the 1920s , particularly for cars and for electrical goods , and then various repossession problems which may have been highlighted by the depression of the thirties , the Hire-Purchase Act 1938 introduced various controls .
30 8.5 If at any time fails to deliver the Licensed Software to in such a way that is unable to fulfil any order , the value of such lost orders may be counted towards any minimum order requirement which may have been agreed .
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