Example sentences of "[Wh det] would have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Which would 've enabled me to rush , up there , but I did n't .
2 Athanasopoulos was charged with criminal fraud and forgery in the illegal sale as Greek produce of 20,000 tonnes of Yugoslav maize , which therefore did not attract countervailing levies by the European Communities ( EC ) which would have totalled 1,350,000 European currency units ( ECU ; approximately equivalent to US$1,630,000 ) .
3 It laid down the general principle of comprehensive education which would have ended selection over a period ( but this was repealed in the 1979 Act ) .
4 Bush 's signature of the civil rights bill on Nov. 21 was overshadowed by the withdrawal of a proposed presidential order which would have ended government affirmative action and hiring guidelines benefiting blacks and women .
5 Conversely had we had the profits last year which would have generated taxable profits then we would n't have needed to have done that , so that 's one reason why it was not disclosed on floatations at the time and floatation was not regarded as an asset .
6 Voters narrowly rejected this scheme , which would have devolved responsibility to the communal level of authority , and cut down on the amount of incineration .
7 It appeared that the UK and other industrialized Commonwealth countries had prevented the inclusion of wording in the Kuala Lumpur statement which would have called for yet more radical measures on debt relief .
8 A compromise agreement reached on Jan. 8 , negotiated under the auspices of the special mission of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , which would have paved the way for the return from exile of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide , was later rejected by military and parliamentary leaders in Haiti , leaving the country 's political crisis unresolved .
9 It is highly likely that there was no possible adjustment to the gold price in the 1960s which would have ensured an adequate flow of gold into the reserves of the USA and other countries .
10 The draw ceremony was conducted seductively by Sophia Loren , operatically by Pavarotti , efficiently by Joseph Blatter , the Fifa general-secretary , and set against a background of studied chaos which would have done credit to a film by Fellini .
11 The 2-club competition was very popular , the Standard dryly commenting ‘ Much better cards were put in than anticipated , the winning ladies finished with scores which would have done them credit with a full bag of clubs ! ’
12 There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and if I had been working , I would have told him to buckle down — which would have done no good at all .
13 The ‘ impressive and general ’ wording of Article 23 was seen as demonstrating that the Convention would not have been a proper vehicle for a treaty which would have done the barely conceivable by giving other countries control over American litigation .
14 A variation order or some other delay caused by the client occurs at a time which does not cause additional delay or cost but which would have done so if the contractor had not already been behind schedule .
15 The prospect of the political chaos which would have followed had Mr Amato lost was certain to have been uppermost in MPs ' minds .
16 was given leave by an overwhelming majority of the House of Commons ( 228 votes to 17 ) to introduce a Bill which would have imposed a requirement of reasonableness where a mistaken belief in consent was alleged .
17 Guillaume was also disturbed by Modi 's unpredictable and unbusinesslike behaviour : ‘ the mere idea of asking him for a signature , which would have legalized a relationship , seemed ridiculous to me ’ .
18 Both chambers of the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly — the Chamber of the People and the Chamber of Nations — rejected a constitutional reform bill on Oct. 1 which would have legalized the ending of the Federation [ see p. 39105 ] .
19 The collapse in confidence was prompted by proposals by the US Senate to limit credit card borrowing [ see also p. 38566 ] , a move which would have damaged the revival of retail markets ; markets calmed , however , following Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady " s dismissal of the idea , and the index ended the month 6 per cent down from the 3,075 level recorded at the end of October .
20 She suggests that in the 1850s divorce became the ‘ solution ’ to the threat of a Married Women 's Property Act ( not achieved until the last quarter of the nineteenth century ) , which would have threatened ‘ the symbolic economy that depended on and institutionalized ( such ) binary oppositions ’ .
21 The DTI said it wanted to avoid the risk of a ‘ disorderly collapse ’ which would have threatened the savings of those people who had already put money into the funds .
22 Last year a court blocked government plans to build a road tunnel through the Aspe valley , which would have threatened the bears ' habitat [ see ED 65/66 ] .
23 The frontispiece from a copy of the music from the Peer Gynt suite by Grieg was a beautiful piece of artwork even before it was decorated , so I only arranged some flowers in two of the corners , rather than all the way round , which would have overpowered the original design .
24 The threat comes at a time when BA is putting on extra flights to cover the rush , which would have seen 100,000 passengers a day at Heathrow alone .
25 Goldfish have the remarkable ability to survive conditions which would have seen most other fish off long ago — a fact which has laid them open to much abuse .
26 Richard Branson 's airline blamed the breakdown on BA for trying to impose a ‘ gagging clause ’ in an agreement which would have seen BA pay £9 million in compensation to Virgin .
27 In the mid 1970s there was an abortive attempt to develop a new way of managing the industry in the Territories Plan ( which would have given a structure very similar to that developed in Germany in much earlier years and still in use both on DB and DR ) , but this failed largely on account of union opposition .
28 My all-time favourite remark was made by a visiting Chesterfield supporter who watched silently as his team prepared to take a penalty in the dying seconds of a game at Barnsley which would have given them the draw .
29 Mr Jarvis , who spent £40m expanding the chain on the Continent in recent years , said the decision followed Whitbread 's inability to negotiate a new exit clause in the franchise agreement which would have given it more protection .
30 One horrible night I found myself crouched at the door , listening for sounds of pain which would have given me pleasure , sounds of pleasure that would have hurt .
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