Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [be] a " in BNC.

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1 His Postscript evokes the aim of a white-coated Doctor Kundera ‘ to solve an aesthetic problem : how to write a novel which would be a ‘ critique of poetry ’ and yet at the same time would itself be poetry ’ .
2 That ‘ strange ’ which would be a lazy gesture in another novelist is indeed strange to the reader , strange as the feline , supremely observed young man himself ; and yet he feels the very muscles and skin-surface of Raskolnikov 's smile — a prelude to the way in which the book 's entire action is simultaneously read about and lived through .
3 It was acknowledged that Pan American would lobby strenuously in Washington to avoid inter-nationalization , which would be a threat to its dominant position .
4 Underneath he added ‘ which would be a good title for my next book or for all my work ’ .
5 And that might affect her milk , which would be a nuisance , to put it mildly .
6 The implication is some form of written constitution , which would be a major step for the system , though one which has growing support in the form of Charter 88 for example .
7 I showed her my book of poems , ‘ The Grimm Sisters ’ , and she asked if I 'd like to work with a choreographer on a ‘ dance piece ’ which would be a grown-up Christmas show with words and music and story , but mainly dance .
8 If this religion becomes the powerful complement to lawfully elected government , which would be a very desirable development , then those decisions would settle many controversial issues which at present are successfully resolved by neither statute-law , nor , to the slightest degree by a respected and accepted moral code .
9 I met the promoter at a party and he was looking for an opening act and I said that I had this dance band which would be a perfect opener for Gary Glitter and he took us on .
10 ‘ After that they can start over again which would be a wonderful way to start the year .
11 As a responsible public body , we would not continue to give active support to an industrial project which would be a health hazard ’ .
12 You 'll stand outside their zone and miss the point , which would be a shocking waste .
13 They were also hoping by these means to avoid causing resentment at infringement of separate national sovereignties which would be a possible result if they enlisted the aid of the British government .
14 If the opinion polls are right , at least 55% of those who have made up their minds will say Yes this time , which would be a larger share than in France 's referendum last year .
15 ‘ You mean , if you cut that picture up into four — which would be a distinctly pro-life act if you want my opinion and gave it to four different restorers , they 'd each stop at a different point ? ’
16 Conway ( 1958 ) suggested a Universal Computer-Oriented Language or UNCOL , which would be a common assembler language for all computers .
17 Alice was to work in computers he , Andrew , would arrange for her to have a quick course of training , which would be a sufficient basis on which an intelligent woman like her could build .
18 were adopted instead : this produced a new constituency called Eddisbury. which would be a most peculiar shape .
19 There were those who believed that the new Chancellor lacked the drive and ability to head the government , which would be a far greater challenge than his experience governing West Berlin .
20 For example , one article , entitled ‘ Strategy — the way forward ’ , discussed whether the party should have a secret/clandestine leadership , which would be a ‘ revolutionary elite cadre ’ , or whether , as Vanguard advocated , the National Front should present itself as a ‘ democratic , electoral/community party ’ ( January 1987 ) .
21 Yeah I think moving them somewhere else , erm which would be a a maybe a bit further away ,
22 It has to be fresh water , which would be a problem at sea . ’
23 But instead of making the pudding with stale bread and milk , Kevin and Tabitha used fresh bread and cream , cooked it in ramekin dishes and served it with a whisky and honey cream , which would be a new experience for anyone .
24 Well when they was feeding these up , you could have one for yourself as long as you let the government have one , see , and er , er , of course the next to feed a pig up , see , but er , I mean if you could fed them properly you could erm , perhaps get one ready in er , six to nine months you see , and er , which would be a , a good bacon pig like , if you fed it er , correctly .
25 and the problem of access to the flats , and sometimes the necessity to walk quite a long way before you can get out onto the street , which would be a problem for young mothers with , with , with small children , as equally it would be a problem for elderly people or disabled people .
26 We would consequently have to register some losses : we should be deprived of the 490 pages of Kurt von Fritz , The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity ( 1954 ) , which would be a pity because , against all probabilities , there is much incidental wisdom and knowledge in this preposterous attempt to compare the surely non-existent mixed constitution of Rome with the doubtfully existent mixed constitution of the United States .
27 The idea of a siege as a ritual conducted according to well-defined rules is clearly illustrated by the answer of the commander of the Spanish garrison at Gaeta in southern Italy when faced in the 1730s with an Austrian demand for surrender : ‘ It is not yet time , since no batteries have been formed and no cannon are yet in place which would be a cause for surrender .
28 With the more extreme proposals , problems arise from the notion of ‘ packages ’ of services or care , which would be a corollary of contracting and tendering for services .
29 The completed Railway would bring coal from Shropshire via Craven Arms , to compete with the Staffordshire coal , and would also cheapen the delivery via Montgomery , the result of which would be a large reduction of cost to the consumer .
30 Does the Minister accept that it is feared in rural areas that a move towards privatisation would lead to services that require subsidies being axed , which would be a body blow to those rural areas and their opportunities for economic development ?
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