Example sentences of "[Wh det] were [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Still , the limping aircraft , which were assumed to be carrying arms , were not challenged .
2 Apart from the various gifts of valuables and food and clothing which marked the exchanges between the principles , there were also certain standard payments in money ) which were made to the washerman who prepared the cloths used at various stages in the proceedings .
3 The Madison banks collapsed after sustaining huge losses on real estate loans , many of which were made to the banks ' directors , employees and their relatives .
4 Originally , all first-born sons were dedicated to God , but monetary gifts later took their place , which were given to the priests .
5 They are documents of all sorts which were given to me by my father or which I found among his papers after his death in 1968 .
6 The photo was one of a group of twenty-eight Rodchenko photographs which were given to the consigner in 1960 by Varvara Rodchenko , the artist 's daughter , and which raised £445,648 in total .
7 ‘ You have some papers , Fagin , ’ said Mr Brownlow quietly , ‘ which were given to you by Monks to look after . ’
8 This term was reserved for the rural dialects , which had been legitimized by nineteenth-century investigations , and which were believed to be ‘ genuine ’ in a way that urban dialects are not .
9 During 1989 and early 1990 , in addition to the May and September 1989 attacks listed above ( both of which were believed to be connected with the Koskotas affair and with the November 17 Revolutionary Organization ) there were a number of small bomb attacks against cars and buildings , which caused material damage and sometimes injury but no deaths .
10 Indonesia had no claim to any of the islands , which were believed to be rich in oil .
11 Following the meeting a US military excavation team carried out its first MIA search in Cambodia ; it announced on March 23 that it had recently unearthed some remains which were believed to be of members of US television crews killed in Cambodia in 1970 .
12 There is a chapter which discusses the letters from Germans — ‘ good Germans ’ in the main — which were sent to him in response to his book about the camps .
13 Thomas could now look back on the papers he had begun , or completed and sold in his first two terms , as ‘ vain stuff ’ but he continued to write verses , which were sent to Harry and Helen .
14 Diligent French missionaries , like Père Nicholas d'Incarville in the Far East and others in Canada and South America collected many plants , seeds of which were sent to Chelsea by Claude Richard , the King 's Gardener .
15 As early as 1955 a CAB sub-committee was set up by the national committee to consider hire purchase problems as seen by bureaux all over the country and by other voluntary organisations with experience of families in difficulty ; and in addition to recommendations about trade practices , about possible action by local authorities , and other things , which were sent to the appropriate associations or government departments , the deliberations of the committee produced results which were to have an influence on the trend and standing of much CAB work in the future .
16 It was found among a collection of magazines , news-sheets and leaflets which were sent to us by one of the researchers for our archives on feminism in the 20th century .
17 Each of these groups came up with a list of proposals which were sent to everyone attending .
18 Exactly how many boxes there were originally is not certain , although it seems there may have been as many as sixty-five , all of which were sent to Rome 's Istituto Centrale del Restauro in 1947 .
19 Further information about the Quality Development Programme can be found in two special Updates , issue numbers 23 and 26 , which were sent to centres in June 1991 and April 1992 respectively .
20 The provisions in the Education ( Schools ) Bill relating to the inspection of schools and information on their performance were trailed in the citizens charter and the charter for parents in Wales , copies of which were sent to all local authorities in Wales as well as to a wide range of bodies representative of education interests .
21 The class also used the mailbox facility to ask for brochures which were sent to the school .
22 It is my understanding from the reply there 's a fairly clear statement there that that was done erm I indeed have a copy of the principal briefing paper which the Director prepared for the panel , Chairman it outlined the background to the structure plan review , it referred to the previously approved structure plans , copies of which were appended to the briefing paper .
23 Management could be faced ‘ with severe economic losses if it failed to take into account their views , or to win their consent on issues which were felt to be of major importance by the workforce ’ ( p. 314 ) .
24 This was undoubtedly due partly to the war and partly because the statutes contained criteria which were felt to be less justiciable : if the minister stated that a regulation concerning trademarks was necessary for securing the safety of the realm the court would not adjudicate upon this .
25 This was an advantage that was quite foreign to legacies , which were bound to their traditional procedural constraints .
26 ‘ I knew I had to be tolerant of any mechanical faults which were bound to surface during the year , ’ he says .
27 It was Sayeeda who gave me an insatiable desire to open the doors of Oman , doors which were locked to most foreigners and needed a special key .
28 The impact of de Gaulle 's words , which were transmitted to Algeria via Radio Monte Carlo and picked up by soldiers on their transistor radios , was again critical .
29 Where cloth had been scarce they had pinned ivy or ch'in-sei , the silver-leafed creeper which grew where nothing else would survive , and Artai 's device — an eagle with an arrow in its talons — was painted onto friezes which were roped to gables and lamp cressets .
30 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
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