Example sentences of "[Wh det] we did not " in BNC.

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1 All this spare passion between us , which we did not know how to show .
2 Hepworth was to speak wistfully of ‘ a pressure in the air which we did not understand ’ , saying that ‘ we worked on as best we could in spite of it . ’
3 There was not a poet 's emotion which we did not heartily believe ourselves to share , evoked by the poem but not imitated from it .
4 A story in Numbers 25 which we did not consider in the last chapter ( for it is not a complaint story ) makes it even more readily understandable .
5 How little pacifist or humanitarian feeling was behind such notions is revealed by the concluding remark that ‘ it is only worth while waging war if the enemy can be destroyed with the first blow , which we did not manage . ’
6 NOW we have sent the Calibans grimacing and snarling back to their caves for a further spell , perhaps nice Mr Major will address himself to a problem with which we did not like to trouble him during the election .
7 At least now we know it makes smaller patterns , which we did not expect to see .
8 Their consequence for the tiny particles was only apparently random and unpredictable , due to the hidden atomic motions of which we did not have adequately detailed knowledge .
9 Sacristán and colleagues refer to chronic obstructive airways disease in the context of irreversible airways obstruction , which we did not discuss .
10 We visited Oslo Fjord with only six 250lb bombs and that would not do much damage even if we had found a target ( which we did not ) .
11 And as we believe that erm the earth and the sun were formed at the same time , so we 're starting to know a lot more about the original material from which the sun and the earth were formed , and here we find that it 's just full of prebiotic molecules which we did not know beforehand and therefore puts a different perspective on what we think the earth 's early atmosphere might have been .
12 What we did not know , he said , was the effect of strenuous exercise combined with the wrong kind of stress .
13 What we did not see were any examples of pupil-centred enquiry methods being employed by teachers and using materials specifically purchased for this purpose with project funds , as predicted in the proposal documents .
14 Not all of us have had those good experiences , but we can recapture in later life what we did not find in childhood .
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