Example sentences of "[Wh det] she [vb mod] say " in BNC.

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1 As she hesitated , Tug found that he desperately wanted to know what she would say .
2 Allen held his breath waiting for what she would say .
3 ‘ I 'm here to see Her Grace , ’ explained Joan , having rehearsed what she would say during the two-mile walk from Briar Cottage .
4 But Daphne 's dear familiarity , the pleasure of her company , the comfort of knowing pretty well what she would say in response to any remark , the whole warm , easy , ancient closeness that had subsisted between them for more than half a century , won over Cecilia 's temporary , though profound , embarrassment .
5 She picked up the receiver without planning what she would say .
6 She tiptoed up the stairs , wondering what she would say to anyone who saw her .
7 In my heart I knew he was dead , but I wanted to hear what she would say
8 ‘ Do I strike you as the sort of man who 's attracted to Amazons ? ’ he asked , his grey eyes flicking curiously on her face , waiting to hear what she would say , but , she felt , not terribly concerned whether she replied or not .
9 Robyn clutched the receiver and found she did n't have the first idea of what she would say when he answered it .
10 She wondered how he would be , whether she 'd cope , what she would say , and had just decided to rehearse an opening line when , with a jolt deep in the pit of her stomach , she saw him , weaving through the clusters of people , coming towards her , looking , as always , more handsome than she remembered , dressed in dark , well-cut trousers and a crisp white shirt that revealed just a glimpse of his tanned chest , the strength of dark matted hair .
11 She cut the engine , then sat with her hands clenched round the steering-wheel , suddenly uncertain what she would say to him .
12 She had rehearsed what she would say . )
13 When the rumour reached Gabriel she began to realize what she would say to John Coffin .
14 I do n't know what she 'll say .
15 JEWKES : I do n't like these sort of people , but we will hear what she 'll say to us , however , I sha n't fetch you any victuals , woman , but I will give you some pence .
16 ‘ But I do n't know what she 'll say . ’
17 As she 's not brilliantly inventive I do n't know what she 'll say .
18 She did not begin to think of what she might say to Kathleen .
19 Maurin said : ‘ I am surprised you brought Barbara home , Ben , if you are worried about what she might say . ’
20 Despite what she might say , Laura — who was definitely a typical Leo lady — clearly appreciated hearing her virtues praised .
21 She laughed and wondered what she could say .
22 She was just trying to think what she could say to bring John back to the subject of the library and its workings when Shirley came in with two cups of tea .
23 She wondered what she could say .
24 Perhaps deep down , she already knows what she will say when that time comes .
25 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
26 Can you imagine what she must say to Matthew ? ’
27 She practised what she 'd say to Sir Willie on the other dealers .
28 I 'm no help either , I did sort of wonder what she 'd say but she 's .
29 All the way up on the train , she 'd been rehearsing what she 'd say to him .
30 She lay awake for a long time that night , going over the conversation with her mother , trying to work out what she should say to Leo , and she rehearsed so many and varied conversations that she thought she 'd go mad .
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