Example sentences of "[Wh det] she [verb] just " in BNC.

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1 She is acutely disappointed by the government 's lack of investment in the clothing industry in this country , and highly critical of the industry itself , which she says just does n't realise the potential of its designers .
2 As she faced out to sea then turned back to face the land through which she had just passed , her eyes were unseeing ; only the past was visible .
3 But her own internal stresses — her anxiety over Between the Acts which she had just finished , and the fear that she had lost the power to write — closed in on her as that unmitigable depression , her companion of old , took final hold .
4 A few months after the service started there was a tragedy when the young daughter of Mr. Whitehead , Headmaster of The Salisbury School ( now Chafyn Grove ) was killed as she ran behind the reversing bus from which she had just alighted .
5 Gravel spurted from the heels of her boots as she crawled furiously up the cliff down which she had just slid .
6 ‘ What have they done to you now ? ’ she had mildly enquired , looking up from a photocopy of an article on The Compulsion to Public Prayer : a study of religious neurosis in a post-Christian society which she had just received in her own post , and Charles had said , ‘ Asked us to a New Year 's Eve party . ’
7 She was obviously in distress , raising herself on all fours , snatching the hair from her face as she looked back in terror at the plaster wall from which she had just come .
8 For a fleeting moment , she wondered if the woman might have given her deliberately wrong directions but , shrugging the thought away , she started the car and turned back in the direction from which she had just come .
9 Laura had agreed while casting a wry glance up at the roof , on which she had just spent many thousands of pounds .
10 Rachel swung round indignantly from the filing cabinet which she had just unlocked ready to take out the records for that morning 's surgery .
11 The mirror was veined with gold and misted with the scented steam of the bath from which she 'd just emerged .
12 Erm , Chairman , w would the spokesman agree that the that the resources argument which she has just used is is completely fallacious and would she rather expect
13 Even in the turmoil of his own thoughts , Gazzer found himself registering surprise at what she had just said : ‘ She knows ! ’ he thought .
14 His forehead tingled and he put his back against the door , trying to locate himself , trying to absorb what she had just said .
15 Pondering what she had just heard , Wilson went home , wondering if Mr Browning felt the same distrust of Mrs Eckley as she did .
16 What she had just been through was insane and illogical , but also unambiguous and actual .
17 She switched on a desk lamp , and quickly scanned what she had just written , murmuring to herself .
18 Her father looked at her and nodded , which was a sure sign that he disagreed with what she had just said .
19 Julia went to sit in the kitchen , trying to stop applying what she had just heard to her own situation .
20 Blanche absorbed the implication of what she had just been told : Mills had not betrayed Zbigniew Nowak and so could not have been murdered because of it .
21 Blanche looked up for a moment to chew the implications of what she had just read when another alien sound impinged .
22 And then it rained ; glorious , refreshing rain , washing away the awfulness of what she had just seen .
23 The Josephs were squabbling about whether Merlyn should have done what she had just done , whether Barbara Coleman had not truly deserved it .
24 For some reason she found what she had just said enormously funny , and exploded into the phone with a fruity laugh before putting down her receiver .
25 She stood there until the rapturous applause died down and the peacock screen rose from the floor , hiding all behind it , then , her eyes clouded by emotional tears conjured up by the sheer beauty of what she had just witnessed , she turned blindly , colliding with a hard male body .
26 The servant who passed the story on to the firefighters had been standing nearby taking in all that was being said until a glance from Meredith Putt through the partly open door sent her scuttling upstairs to complete her work , filled with apprehension by what she had just heard .
27 Rachel stared at her sister in silence , shocked by what she had just heard , not so much by the fact that Paul Mason had been married but because he was as different from David Markham as it was possible for a man to be , and none of them had even suspected what had been happening .
28 For a moment , she was n't sure of what she 'd just said .
29 She could hardly believe what she 'd just done .
30 Kate stared back at him , hardly daring to believe what she 'd just heard .
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