Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now , ambulance crews have put together a video of some accidents which they 'll be showing to young drivers .
2 Because if the British Courts are forced to order a re-trial , which they 'll be reluctant to do , 'though they may have to , then that could happen more quickly and that would of course overthrow the verdict and everything .
3 The official resolution said in reply that the gracefulness of his welcome was only increased because he ‘ did not belong to any of the Free Churches … and did not belong to any section of those political parties to which they might be supposed to belong ’ .
4 Those who advocate tough policies , particularly those who do not seriously question the broad political economic context in which they might be implemented ( such as Hardin 1977 ; Hardin & Baden 1977 ) , underestimate these difficulties and some obvious lessons from history .
5 Perhaps what is most important is that the nature of such identifiable UFO categories , and the conditions under which they might be observed , are predictable , after careful analysis of the data .
6 Particularly with insects , whose chitinous exoskeletons make it difficult to consider them in anthropomorphic terms , how are we to discover the extent to which they might be acting intelligently ?
7 ‘ What was needed was a new look at the problems and the ways in which they might be solved , both in the UK and elsewhere .
8 Having grasped the educational import of the manyattas , Windley cast around for ways in which they might be adapted for administrative purposes .
9 By the end of the war the Colonial Office was accustomed to thinking synoptically about Africa , to weighing with unaccustomed confidence and delusive clarity the large forces at work there and the ways in which they might be accommodated within a system of administration .
10 The fact that the amount due to them was disputed meant that it was uncertain whether they had reached the point beyond which they might be considered trespassers by dealing with B and L's goods .
11 The victims would resist more if they knew the limits of ill-treatment to which they might be subjected .
12 In the face of even further diversion of financial resources for training away from special needs , can we build on what expertise we have to find economic and yet effective ways to overcome the present difficulties , to deepen all teachers ' understanding of learning and behaviour problems and of the way in which they might be resolved within the learning situation of the classroom ?
13 Considerable concern was expressed , for example by R. H. Tawney , about the numbers of boys going from school into unskilled jobs with little prospect of advancement , from which they might be dismissed when they became old enough to qualify for higher adult earnings .
14 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
15 ( 5 ) the relative ignorance of teachers as to available materials and the means by which they might be acquired through the project and other county services
16 to develop and pilot-test items and consider the nature of the tests into which they might be assembled ;
17 This leads naturally to a review of the nature and potential of collective actors and the field of action in which they might be engaged .
18 The teacher supported the group while they worked through topics and questions relating to kestrels which they might be able to pursue further .
19 Sainte-Engrâce was until very recently a remote settlement , because the road into the valley was also the only road out ; as a consequence it had a fine tradition for smuggling , since the last thing Basque smugglers ever wanted was good roads along which they might be pursued by excise men far less agile or locally knowledgeable than themselves .
20 In all this , we are dealing with the implicit , contrary themes of attitudinal arguments and the contexts in which they might be developed explicitly .
21 The complexity of these relations , and the manner in which they might be used as a model of dynamic mechanisms to extend the concept of objectification from a simple dialectical cycle , is evident in Klein 's discussion of infantile hallucinatory gratification .
22 Just over half reported visiting their general practitioners at the onset and a further 31% at some time later — actions which they might be expected to remember .
23 Our notions of who constitutes the academic community , the freedoms at stake , and the ways in which they might be protected , all develop over time .
24 That is not an unreasonable thing to do when one considers the circumstances in which they might be living .
25 Here are some words which are commonly used in essay and exam questions , grouped according to the basic types of writing which they might be asking you to do .
26 Advise Arthur , Bert and Charlie as to any rights of action they might have in tort against Chartist plc and as to any defences with which they might be met .
27 All we can find out ‘ by the appearances or effects of nature , which we know by sense , [ are ] some ways and means by which they may be , I do not say they are , generated ’ .
28 Planning requires the identification of tasks and matching the means with which they may be carried out in the time available and under the conditions prevailing .
29 Those of today have always had some evaluation , but seldom enough to cover all the circumstances in which they may be used , and they include many of such potency that their misuse can have dire consequences .
30 Offering small quantities would also give greater variety to people 's diets , a variety which they may be unable to obtain if they can only buy in quantity .
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