Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [verb] seen " in BNC.

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1 Even five years later a clergyman who came to a retreat which he conducted thought him the oddest sight , sartorially , which he had seen among academics .
2 But her hands sought each other in the nervous wringing motion which he had seen before .
3 He had once , fearfully , climbed the three steps to Mrs Curdle 's caravan and had gazed , fascinated , at the glory within , the half-door had been shut , but by standing on tiptoe he had seen the shelves , the tiny drawers , the cupboards , the gleaming brass and copper and the rows of vividly painted plates as breathtakingly lovely to the child as the bright birds which he had seen the week before at the Zoo , sitting motionless upon their perches , in a splendour of tropical plumage .
4 It was in fact the back axle of a lady 's tricycle which he had seen laying discarded on the top of someone 's dustbin .
5 Tony also mentioned how he had visited a local centre for the young unemployed which he had seen advertised in the local newspaper .
6 This is a topic which has been the focus of some scholarly discussion , partly because Leonardo himself is known to have visited the city in 1500 , but mainly because Vasari , in the second edition of the Lives , stated that Giorgione had been greatly impressed by some unspecified works of Leonardo 's which he had seen .
7 Sir John Fastolf , involved in a long drawn-out lawsuit in Paris between 1432 and 1435 , could remind the court that he had been the first to jump into the sea when Henry V had come ashore in France in 1415 , and that the king had rewarded him with the grant of the first house which he had seen in France .
8 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
9 There was a field of poppies and corn which reminded him only of small and large , faded and ghostly versions of Van Gogh 's " Harvest " which he had seen repeated in endless hospital corridors , waiting rooms , school offices .
10 Apollinaire pointed out that Boccioni 's best works were those in which he came nearest to recent works by Picasso which he had seen in Paris .
11 He flipped open the book whose pages were filled with her beautiful , careful script , which he had seen many times on the shopping lists which she had made up under Matey 's instructions .
12 Moreover , Walpole , described in the same book ( p. 83 ) as someone who " thrived on gossip , and on playing at loo or at hazard with a duchess or two " , could very well have been a sufficiently astute observer of social mores to deduce that the first manifestations which he had seen of the new way of dressing constituted the beginning of a major trend .
13 Timothy nodded to himself , thinking about the sailing ships of the Spanish Armada and the severe face of the German Führer , of which he 'd seen pictures .
14 With annoying irrelevance it occurred to Quentin that the name of the film on the television screen was Three Smart Girls , which he 'd seen about thirty-five years ago , when he was a child himself .
15 Anyone who wishes to contribute must catch the Chairman 's eye and the usual practice then is for the Chairman to call on the persons in the order in which he has seen them .
16 This illustrates another rare story : the seer Polyeidos shut in the tomb with Minos 's dead child Glaukos , and reviving him by means of a leaf with which he has seen a snake revive its mate which he had killed .
17 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
18 She and her detective rushed over to the photographer and she pleaded with him to hand over his film , and tell nothing of what he had seen .
19 He was a sensible and capable boy , an eldest child , so he moved closer , trying not to breathe , and stood steadfastly looking until he was confident of what he had seen : a body , must be a girl because it was wearing a skirt , lying face down , head towards the bottom of the embankment as if she had dived off the top .
20 It records , too , the young pupil 's development from an observer — of plants , birds , trees and animals — into a detached recorder of what he had seen .
21 He sent her some of his notes of what he had seen in their walks and frequently let her see his ‘ papers ’ before they were copied out for the editors .
22 But when he told his aunt what he had seen , she grinned all over her broad features .
23 From memory he drew a picture of what he had seen and asked Mr Litmus if he knew what it was .
24 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
25 He found he was still standing there some minutes later , not because the traffic had been particularly heavy — there had been several opportunities to cross — but because he was lost in thought about what he had seen .
26 The Greek miracle-worker or thaumatourgos , in order to have his marvels recognized , needed a martus , a witness , to observe and to spread word of what he had seen .
27 He also said that the envelope the Brownie had kindly picked up had dropped from the Earl 's pocket without being noticed by him , and that as the Brownie was so kind as to share her sweets with him the Earl was sending a tin of his own , which he felt sure from what he had seen of this Brownie would find their way into the mouths of all the other Brownies in the Pack too .
28 Concerned by what he had seen , but not aware that disaster was imminent , he telephoned the colliery Manager at his home ; the Manager instructed that a fence be erected around the subsidence .
29 Corbett leaned forward and described what he had seen .
30 Delaney averted his gaze from her , afraid of what he had seen in her eyes .
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