Example sentences of "[Wh det] he may have " in BNC.

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1 Liabilities for contracts and torts incurred by a married woman before marriage are binding on her , and also on her husband to the extent of any property which he may have acquired from her , as under a marriage settlement .
2 It also may have answered a few queries over which he may have pondered in his youth and then discarded to the rear of his mind for later consideration .
3 But the cruellest experiences the victim 's pain however great as less than his own enhancement of power however small , so that the suffering of a victim who is being crippled for life may be deliberately empathized by the torturer , but as less than his own titillation , which he may have forgotten by the time he goes home to lunch .
4 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
5 Sir [ James ] Fitzjames Stephen ( afterwards Stephen J. ) , in [ A General View of the Criminal Law of England ( 1863 ) , p. 129 ] , suggested as a definition of theft : ‘ To steal is unlawfully , and with intent to defraud , by taking , by embezzlement , by obtaining by false pretences , or in any other manner whatever to appropriate to the use of any person any property whatever real or personal in possession or in action , so as to deprive any other person of the advantage of any beneficial interest at law or in equity , which he may have therein . ’
6 The Alexis Master 's full-page narrative pictures show stylistic and iconographic links with Anglo-Saxon and Ottonian art and the monumental art of Italy , which he may have visited .
7 His predominant mode , in the Clarendon Building and All Souls designs and at Queen 's , as well as in other works , such as the Christ Church buttery ( 1722 ) and his Durham quadrangle range at Trinity College ( 1728 ) , was a simplified version of the baroque of Hawksmoor and Sir John Vanbrugh [ q.v. ] ; but the fellows ' building at Corpus Christi College , of which he may have been the designer as well as the builder , was close to the proto-Palladian manner of the Peckwater quadrangle , while his Radcliffe quadrangle at University College ( 1717–19 ) — again devised under Clarke 's direction — and his additions at Oriel College ( 1719–20 ) were faithful copies of the traditional Jacobean style of the adjoining buildings , the former including a skilfully executed Gothic vault .
8 When he arrives at his destination he can not rely upon finding effective substitutes not merely for the luxuries , but for the common necessaries , which he may have left behind .
9 This is a series of sentences or utterances in the student 's own words about any experiences in which he may have engaged ; useful for reading for beginners ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
10 Terry B says it 's great to be back and he 's heard there 's a race for the over fifties which he may have a go at … he 's getting itchy feet and will soon be back riding for trainers … he 's also got his old job back as a steward at Worcester races and his public still love him
11 But he had chosen to dress in what he may have conceived to be a British manner .
12 France was a side torn apart between Trillo 's desire to make risk a factor in the gameplan and Dubroca who , as the spiritual heir to Fouroux , had favoured the safety-first approach , no matter what he may have said in public .
13 It was his conception , his baby , and for it he would tolerate most things , including his suspicion of Trotskyism — whether of the IMG or IS variety — and of what he may have seen as Rowbotham 's ‘ hippy sentimentality ’ .
14 Well , it 's difficult to surmise what he may have seen .
15 And then you 'll find , over the page there 's the appropriate page of the C C Q which relates to life insurance so you can use that as your prompt to gather your sole facts , what his feelings towards life insurance is , the protection he should have , what he may have already , yeah ?
16 " He knows when he 's on to something good , and he 's loyal to his staff , I 'll give him that , whatever he may have to say to anyone behind closed doors .
17 And whatever he may have tried to gain from me , he also gave me a great deal . ’
18 I know her well , and how brave she is , and by God , for whatever he may have done he shall pay , and pay again .
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