Example sentences of "[Wh det] i [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 So you know there were erm lots of little things like that erm in the layout of the flats which I thought were n't er well they just were n't practical .
2 And I have lots of letters which I discovered about five years ago , which I thought were probably letters that my father had written it , Adam , because his name and my grandfather 's name were exactly the same .
3 Unusually for me , I saw a few paintings and so on which I thought were lovely , but of course purchase is quite out of the question — and anyway we have no wall space left here !
4 Well a thing called power handshakes , which I thought were the biggest load of gobbledegook until I watched them , a specific chat show host .
5 Getting taken to the doctors and getting needles stuck in you erm things like um being fed cod liver oil , things like being hit for doing things which I thought were quite legitimate like pruning my mother 's geraniums and stuff like that .
6 It so happened that Hugh was the man who had been producing Tony Newley and he said to me after listening to those tracks that this was the most exciting thing to come into his room since Tony Newley which I thought was quite amazing since , some time later , David was quite infatuated with the work of Newley .
7 In fact , it was about the time that David and I both auditioned for Hair and we were both turned down which I thought was quite funny because it seemed that just about everyone else in London got the part , but we were very much the kind of solo singers and perhaps the wrong type .
8 They played in here and slagged the place off which I thought was a bit pathetic but I do n't pretend that I like all their ideas .
9 They get on fine , which I thought was against all the rules .
10 Even people who managed to stay married seemed to do it only by making incredible compromises which I thought was contemptible . ’
11 And actually , one day , because she knew it was my favourite , she said that I could have permission to have it copied and gave me the name of the jeweller , which I thought was so sweet .
12 They put me in touch with a Fellow of the Institute by the name of John Read — same name as the pilot of DZ642 , which I thought was a good omen .
13 ‘ It was then I decided to find a product which I thought was marketable and start marketing it , ’ he said .
14 Stuart said he 'd given Oliver some money , which I thought was quite unnecessary , not that I said so .
15 Because the trouble is , I can go back to nineteen sixty four , Industrial Relations Act , which I thought was one of the best things ever bought out , whereby er the erm terms were levied to do so much training .
16 Sara Maitland says : ‘ I could say something which I thought was warm and friendly , but which might be regarded by the voters of Milwaukee as offensive . ’
17 I 'd never been in hospital before , and after the first day I felt well enough to notice things like the faint smell , which I thought was of death , but which was disinfectant , and to be mildly infuriated by hospital routine .
18 And you 'd actually spotted it already which I thought was brilliant except we do need to have the
19 I pushed open the door of the old house , which I thought was uninhabited , but to my surprise there was a bed , a table and a candle inside .
20 However , having said that , I was impressed with the range of Book Tokens ’ advertising , which I thought was carefully targeted and attractive . ’
21 ‘ The impact on me ’ , recalls Pearce Marchbank , ‘ was blowing away all that love and peace shit which I thought was bollocks and complete pretence .
22 People were on the streets being senselessly violent to the police , which I thought was a good thing at the time .
23 I have to say that if some of those born again modernizers had supported us then , we could have settled these issues long ago , and got on with the business of winning elections , which I thought was what party politics was about .
24 And I do n't where I got I gave him quite a good sermon which I thought was y know quite erm to try and help the situation and he said I 'd give them er my conditions .
25 ‘ The nurse said I was very good company , which I thought was praise indeed for a guy who had just had a coronary thrombosis .
26 There was about fifty percent full the house of Commons was about fifty percent full which I thought was a little worrying .
27 the last three weeks was the road safety one which I thought was
28 She even got round giving me the wrong answer first , which I thought was quite subtle .
29 which I thought was rather ironic about Adele , you know , she managed to kind of erm erm quell the the French ,
30 He said about a , a free gift as the first thing and then he said about made enquiries of others which I thought was almost er er a , a way there of saying well , you know , oth other people more or less recommend Friends Provident .
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