Example sentences of "[Wh det] it [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Now , however , with only a passenger service remaining , the railway has as much relevance to the life of the land through which it passes as do the aeroplanes overhead .
2 All is extended , manifested , rolled out by the universal energy from the seeds of his idea deep in his existence ; but the spirit even though it takes up and enjoys her workings in this body of ours , is not affected by its mortality because it is eternal beyond birth and death , is not linked by the personalities which it assumes because it is the supreme self of all these personalities … ’
3 Indeed the lasting effect of this period is seen better in the political pressure groups — the Gay and Women 's Liberation movements — which it spawned than in the actual pop music of the time .
4 " And " is by no means always used in its Boolean sense ( consider " yachting and boating " ) , but " or " usually is so intended ( people use " or " rather than " and " when they do not see the concepts which it separates as being particularly closely related ) .
5 It grew and grew , but still kept to its tunnels , some of which it enlarged as it grew .
6 He pointed out that even in the original form which it took when Cocks v. Thanet District Council was decided , section 69(1) conferred a measure of discretion on the local authority since in principle at least the local authority could choose between the three methods of discharging its duty which were set out in paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) .
7 For front projection , the projector is still threaded up reversing left and right , as in rear projection ( it is put in the ‘ wrong ’ way round in order to come out correct in the final composite ) ; but instead of being behind a translucent screen it s in front of , and to one side of , a glass beaded screen which reflects nearly 100 per cent of the light falling on it but on y in the direction from which it came Though the projector is at 90° to the camera-screen axis and its beam is therefore initially parallel to the plane of the screen , passing in front of the actors in the foreground this beam is deflected by a half-silvered mirror at an angle of 45° to the beam This semi-transparent mirror is coated at the front ( unlike normal mirrors , coated behind the glass ) with a very thin layer of aluminium — silver tarnishes too easily Alternatively , the layer of aluminium may be spattered on , so that tiny reflective spots of metal are interspersed with tiny transparent gaps So , although it reflects the beam , the camera can photograph both the action and the reflection from the screen through the mirror Though the mirror reflects the still or moving image from the projector on to the actors and any foreground props or sets as well as on to the screen , the level of illumination of the image is much less than that on the actors , so the camera records only that part of the image reflected from the screen .
8 This is significant , because there has been a period during which it looked as though , because of the societies ' successful opposition in 1990 to the then Italian Foreign Secretary Gianni De Michelis 's plan to site Expo2000 in the Veneto , the Italian government would no longer pay for the Unesco office .
9 MI6 was greatly upset by Churchill 's decision to create Special Operations Executive ( SOE ) , which it saw as infringing upon its sacred duties .
10 It successfully portrayed itself as having the solution to Britain 's economic problems which it saw as being due to excessive State intervention in every sphere , and to the dependence mentality which this produced .
11 The European Tennis Association is studying ways of restoring the prestige of the old King 's Cup , now the European Men 's Team Championship , which it describes as ‘ … still the best opportunity for European tennis nations to test their top , and up-coming players in international team competition . ’
12 The trend towards downsizing — which it describes as moving power down to the desktop level — is already more advanced in Europe than it is in the US , it claims , where the power of large corporations tends to prolong the supremacy of mainframes .
13 The commission believes the scheme will have a profoundly detrimental effect on the town , which it describes as of quite extraordinary quality and of exceptional architectural and historic interest .
14 If we are to find the answer to the problem of what gives stretches of language unity and meaning , we must look beyond the formal rules operating within sentences , and consider the people who use language , and the world in which it happens as well .
15 I also know how to get the red-tailed buzzard out of a tree at night , so if it flies off I stay by the tree in which it settles until dark , then I go and fetch sticks and a torch so that I can see what I 'm doing .
16 What is significant is the extension since 1979 of the range of issues in the first category which the Conservative leadership regards as ‘ high politics ’ , that is , which it regards as being within its own sphere of decision-making .
17 The NSA has a huge operation in Britain which it regards as one of its most important listening posts , being strategically placed to eavesdrop not only on East Europe but West Europe as well .
18 The Post Office uses a number of short-term investments with lives of over three months , but which it regards as highly liquid .
19 ( In Scotland the Crown at the moment does not have the power to appeal against sentences which it regards as too lenient , although moves are under way to give it such a right . )
20 The 45 per cent quota imposed in October 1948 , in a futile attempt to support the films encouraged into production during the American boycott , had to be lowered to 40 per cent when 1,600 cinemas claimed exemption on the grounds that there simply were n't enough films to show , and it was reduced again to 30 per cent in 1950 ( the level at which it remained until its abolition 23 years later ) .
21 Australian Mutual received approval from the Department of Trade and Industry which it needed if it was to hold more than 15 per cent of Pearl 's shares , the level at which a shareholder is regarded as ‘ controlling ’ an insurance company .
22 A 24-hour strike was called by the Bolivian Workers ' Central ( COB ) for April 9 , in protest against the anti-coca campaign and against new legislation for the mining sector , approved at the same session of the Congress , which it regarded as preparing the way for privatization .
23 The ANC , while expressing delight at their decision , nevertheless continued to call for the dissolution of the tricameral parliament , which it regarded as essentially racist .
24 It referred disparagingly to ’ comprehensive conformity ’ and bemoaned the departure of grammar schools , which it described as having taught rigorously , maintained discipline and specialised in the production of excellence .
25 The demands of the rebel RPF included the return home of all Rwandan refugees and the overthrow of the Habyarimana regime , which it described as " corrupt and incompetent " .
26 which it looks like it is n't .
27 whatever it pays if it 's , if it 's better will pay more than obviously what you 're gon na get from either or .
28 Intrigued , Mungo was about to ask his uncle what it meant when Stanley said :
29 In many ways Kylie grew up with us on Neighbours so everyone understood what it meant when she left .
30 It has but I 've turned the stat back up on the cylinder just made the boiler cut in again cos that 's that 's why the boilers cutting out cos it what it does once it gets up to temperature then it 'll shut itself off .
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