Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Now that the lights are on I do n't suspect that she drove him to suicide .
2 So you can work it out now , how old I am Erm , what I do , is I run training courses and er , they are Management Skills Courses , they are not anything to do with insurances , because I know absolutely damn all about insurance .
3 ‘ The articles are just something to do , ’ he explained .
4 I think there 've been one or two not er brush ups you know in the pubs once er or twice , they er they wo n't drink with them and that and er some of the lads some of the lads that have gone back have really realized the situation they 've put themselves in you know , and they sorry and now they 're on they do n't know which way to turn .
5 If you 're together I do n't mind .
6 Although you 're not we do n't ask for education but your background 's not exactly in academic area .
7 Yes , so there 's nothing we can say we 're not we do n't want want to make them feel awkward about it I mean they have planned what they can plan .
8 It 's strange well erm I mean with , Bon 's just qualified now and she trying to get a job down in Portsmouth but erm you know they 're not they do n't
9 but I know Kay was n't very pleased with Sister about these sort of erm stout things , cos Sister said well if they 're not collected by the time of the next jumble , we sort of empty the cupboard and put them all in for erm the jumble sale Kay said to me they 're not hers to do that with
10 Doubt if be in there , cos he knows we 're not I do n't know what the snowball is , it might be a plastic snowball !
11 Viewed from the standards of the outside world , the main trends in human life are perhaps shown up rather more clearly here : selfishness , courage , the desire for escape , self-fulfilment etc ’ but then once you 're here you do n't think about the standards of the outside world very much . ’
12 It wo n't take them away once they 're there they do n't disappear , but it does help to ease them , they do n't look quite so deep .
13 If they 're there you do n't want them , it 's when you ca n't have 'em you want it
14 Or do you wan na lose the ground missiles again or they 're actually they do n't go very fast they 've got warheads on them .
15 archaeologists are still there doing it all you know ?
16 I 'm not one to do double somersaults — I 'm not that acrobatic — but he 's one of the best in the country and has been for a long time .
17 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
18 I 'm not I do n't know really about that .
19 Sorry , I 'm just I did n't do that , it just
20 It 's nothing , these are n't nothing to do with Mark .
21 I do n't think I 'm gon na get that much joy myself , cos their reluctant are n't they to do anything that 's not new .
22 What are n't they doing ? ’
23 If you could quickly scan down and see what somebody 's done and the levels of competency they 've achieved , it helps you think that why are n't they doing the job , it might not be a trainee , it might be somebody else .
24 You think , god why are n't they doing it ?
25 So we motored past delightful mountains while I occasionally whined from the back seat , ‘ Why are n't we doing that one ? ’ or ‘ ’ That one looks nice ’ , or ‘ Can we stop for a minute please ? ’
26 So when everyone said , ‘ Are n't you doing any market research ? ’
27 I 'm prepared for people who actually prepare to make comments yes I think you 've got to limit the time and make comments not particularly what people get up and speak for ten minutes I do n't think it 's fair on the people this evening who 've come along and put a question about why are n't you doing certain things I think that 's and I do n't want those people to actually come to a solution .
28 Director of Studies : ‘ Why are n't you doing what the syllabus says ? ’ ( verified note of meeting )
29 Are n't you doing it today ?
30 Are n't you doing your papers ?
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