Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adj] per " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are only 70 per cent fit for international rugby — and the players are well aware of that ’ , said coach Alan Davies .
2 On top of this , food eaten eight miles up needs extra seasoning because at altitude taste buds are only 70 per cent efficient .
3 In the West although we are only 20 per cent of the world 's 3,000 million we have 90 per cent of the world 's income , 90 per cent of its gold reserves , 95 per cent of its scientific knowledge , 70 per cent of its meat and 80 per cent of its protein . ’
4 For example , Japanese mortality rates for the 65 — 74 age group are only 60 per cent of those prevalent in Great Britain .
5 Today these figures are only 22 per cent and 39 per cent respectively , whilst support for visits from nuclear-armed ships has dropped from 47 to 24 per cent .
6 Is the Prime Minister aware that building employers say that conditions are worse than they have been in 40 years , that car sales are down 20 per cent .
7 Attempted murders are down twenty-one per cent .
8 Yet I am not 100 per cent sure I want another five years of Tory rule .
9 I am not 100 per cent but I suspect that 's it , yes . ’
10 Prices for these northern shores are generally 10-15 per cent lower than their English Channel equivalent .
11 Thomson , whose companies include Horizon , Skytours , OSL , HCI and Wings , announced its new prices as it was revealed that bookings for 1993 are already 10 per cent down on last year .
12 ‘ But we are not 100 per cent sure they will be clean and fair . ’
13 Nuclear Metals says , however , that the behaviour of the alloys is ‘ controversial … we are not 100 per cent convinced that it is the titanium alloy itself which is at fault — it may be the environment , ’ Don King of Nuclear Metals told New Scientist .
14 While typical power stations are just 34 per cent efficient — converting most of their energy into heat lost to the air — CHP systems can reach 80 per cent efficiency .
15 And you reckon we 're we 're four per cent you 're about four per cent below .
16 We had 80 per cent occupancy over the entire year , yet we 're about 25 per cent down on budget for those occupancy figures . ’
17 ‘ After the crash I am still 100 per cent .
18 I am still 100 per cent behind Credit Management and all that it stands for .
19 Despite the fall in September sales , the figures produced by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that total sales in the first nine months , at 1,919,338 , are still 5 per cent up on the same period last year .
20 Rates in the West Midlands , however , are still 8.3 per cent below the national average .
21 Even when VAT is recoverable , prices are still 35–40 per cent higher in the UK , and would add another £3 per hour to the cost of operating a C152 .
22 Labour costs per head are still 50 per cent above Scandinavian levels but are falling steadily and with work for the next two years all Govan now needs is a substantial new order before the middle of 1994 to ensure its future .
23 The Opposition never mention manufacturing exports , which are up 75 per cent .
24 Tour operator Thomson said bookings are up five per cent on last year , with more than 80,000 people travelling in the last week of the year .
25 Ten years later , after a 17 per cent drop in the secondary school population of the area , suspensions are up 230 per cent , the centres admit suspended as well as pre-suspension pupils and a fourth centre has been opened .
26 The 2.4 litre diesel Landcruiser and Corollas are up one per cent , while the Starlet , ( the GL is the only model available ) is up £260 to £7860 .
27 Amongst them bankruptcies are up 100 per cent .
28 There are nearly 30 per cent more public payphones and now , at any one time , 96 per cent of them actually work !
29 CDs are therefore very similar to negotiable money market deposits , although the yields are about 0.25 per cent below the equivalent period deposit rates because of the added benefit of liquidity .
30 House prices are about 45 per cent .
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