Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [conj] for " in BNC.

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1 Despite the sophisticated techniques involved in enhanced recovery of oil and recovery of heavy oil , both investment and production costs are lower than for tar sands , oil shale and for the renewables .
2 The maximum social security payments for older people living in residential care homes are lower than for younger , physically handicapped people .
3 Mortality rates for lung cancer in those who have always smoked only cigars and pipes are significantly higher than in nonsmokers but are lower than for cigarette only smokers .
4 The estimated reservation wages increase with age up to about 35 years and then decrease with the men aged over 55 , with estimated reservation wages for both periods which are lower than for teenage men .
5 The numbers of theses in this area are lower than for areas further north .
6 The capitals are Corinthian except for one which is in Romanesque animal form .
7 Many other Members have made it clear that they are supportive but for various reasons do not wish to go public with their views .
8 Prince 's Youth Business Trust is particularly concerned with helping young unemployed people , between the ages of 18 and 25 , who are disadvantaged whether for social , economic , environmental or physical reasons .
9 This kind of response is based on the view that women are one of those ‘ minorities ’ ( sic ) who are disadvantaged and for whom the mission of adult education is to provide the wherewithal to cope with their misfortunes .
10 But he employed the new Italian style in the sacred works which occupied him almost exclusively , so that his secular compositions are few and for the most part negligible .
11 The benches are empty except for a solitary figure sitting huddled in a mackintosh , watching with fierce concentration .
12 Er I notice the government also talk about job seekers these days as opposed to people who are unemployed but for those who get up early in the morning or raise their head off the pillow as I do , see the business news on half past six on er B B C 1 .
13 The hybridisation patterns are different except for the Eco RI fragment of 6.5 kb detected by both probes .
14 In contrast , the local circumstances are such that for Parkinson the Merseyside experience is one that he may disapprove of in principle but lives with far more readily in practice .
15 Because I 'm already vulnerable enough where you 're concerned and for my own sake I have to hold on to some degree of control .
16 H Prefix endorsements are pre-printed except for H90 — H99 which are free-format and require careful checking .
17 Ministers claim that accident rates on YTS are better than for the rest of the working population in that age group .
18 Dismissing the myth that recycled paper is sub-standard , Papersave is offering finishes as fine as watermarked business papers , and in many cases prices are cheaper than for ‘ virgin' paper .
19 But , I am sure that for the purpose of this case Dr. Walker 's emphasis on peaks , that is the noise of an individual heavy goods vehicle , is more relevant .
20 Is it the right of individuals to know for what they are responsible and for whom and to whom they are accountable ?
21 Again most of these stars are red , with spectral types of M , R , N or S. Their amplitudes are less than for the Mira stars , and usually amount to little more than a magnitude .
22 ‘ I 'm afraid that for the moment , yes , the company would prefer you to resign . ’
23 I must say that I really enjoyed my time in the RAF and I 'm convinced that for National Serviceman , the Air Gunner 's trade was the best way to complete the compulsory Armed Service requirement of the time .
24 I 'm 63 and for the past six years I have been taking two tablets each day for myxoedema of the thyroid .
25 collective , institutionally mediated roles expressed in the structures of expectations are essential as for the transformation of regions into places [ i.e. collective concepts into individual ‘ action spaces ' ] , centres of feeling of belonging to time-space specific , more or less abstract reference groups or communities .
26 He said most PowerBooks models are available except for the top-end 180 and the new colour model 165C , still in short supply .
27 Charges are higher than for the society 's standard dealing system because the stockbroker can not itself be paid on the deal until the end of the stock exchange account , an average of 10 days ' delay .
28 Companies that had previously been prepared to pay the Institute 's tuition fees , which are higher than for other professional qualifications , now queried it .
29 The supplement states that ‘ sometimes the rates are higher than for social classes IV and V and sometimes lower , irrespective of whether or not a social class gradient exists across the rest of the classes .
30 THE odds are worse than for on-course betting , with a return of 81 per cent .
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