Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] do [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 In this Manifesto , signed by Malcolm Bradbury , Richard Hoggart , Ted Hughes and Raymond Williams , among a list of forty-three , and published in the Times Higher Educational Supplement , we said that ‘ Students of English at polytechnics and universities often write dull , secondhand discursive prose and are taught to do nothing else . ’
2 Nothing is worse for young people when they start work , particularly if they join large companies , than to spend a year or so sitting with Nelly before they are trusted to do anything .
3 ‘ Husbands and wives are expected to do everything together , but I felt this cost me my identity .
4 ‘ We 're going to do everything we can , Mrs O'Dare , to make you comfortable . ’
5 Tonight , we 're going to do something different .
6 ‘ I wonder when you 're going to do something useful , Rudolf , ’ my brother 's wife said .
7 ‘ But you 're going to do something about it ? ’ came back Helen 's voice .
8 Yes , er maybe I would n't have mentioned it , but er , well , that 's a story of one like dozens of people , congratulating us , that at long last we 're going to do something about the environment and protect it for the future of our children , and they consider it money well spent , and asking the question , why was n't it never done before .
9 We talk later on , sort of thing when I say do nothing , you 're going to do something in that bit , but as far as you 're concerned it 's idle time .
10 There is a problem , but we 're going to do something about it .
11 If you 're going to do something like this , do it big .
12 They 're going to do something
13 And if you say to Mrs Smith , ‘ A lot of smut 's coming out of that chimney and we 're going to do something about it , fitting retroscrubbers or whatever , you know , the answer is , ’ then you will understand what you 're on about .
14 We 're never going to er say to the child ‘ right , something must be done , we 're going to do something ’ , it , it 's not like that at all ; the pace is wholly by the child themselves .
15 Well there 's been some scepticism about the symbolism of , of weddings there 's also some scepticism about the reality of making that vow forever , er , which I personally have sympathy with cos I do n't see how you can say you 're going to do anything forever , but I suppose if you 've made a vow you 've got to stick with it .
16 You 've perceived something you 've now got to decide what you 're going to do or whether you 're going to do anything .
17 So there 's no reason to suppose that they 're going to do anything stupid now . ’
18 So if we 're going to do anything
19 Well the thing is you see I think wha from what I 've gathered on from the radio programme is that the actual erm the attitude of the kids to the metro had got so much worse that they 're having to do something about it
20 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
21 You 're in middle of an exam , you 're trying to do everything very quickly , and there 's a great long screed of text
22 It may be at a , at a truly rational level we can all perfectly well do all kinds of other things rationally on a truly rational level , because there we have this this er high degree of that comes with rationality , but at a deeper , kind of gut level , the emotional feelings we , we find that it 's , it 's much more difficult , and at that point if you do n't try and change things and do things that are unnatural , you find you 're kind of going against the emotional grain and er perhaps some people find it easier than others , but perhaps everybody will feel a certain erm tug as it were , certain erm discomfort or a certain emotional alienation from themselves which er perhaps is because we 're trying to do something more basic we just were n't designed for .
23 Ambulance crews witness scenes like these every day , now , after being called out to accidents that could easily have been prevented they 're trying to do something about it .
24 But we 're trying to do something about that .
25 It 's always such a hassle you 're trying to do something and you 're just gon na have
26 I am going to do something about this child , she told herself .
27 You are going to do nothing . ’
28 If you say you are going to do something and you do n't , you will not only lose credibility , impact and effectiveness but also give your debtor further confidence to continue not paying .
29 ‘ You are going to do something about it , are n't you ? ’ she said .
30 Th when I 'm , I 'm picking doing owt it hurt , really hurt .
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