Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 Because you are alert to that possibility , you will already be expressing your thoughts in a direct way .
2 From the moment you first suspect you 're pregnant , you are alert to each change in your body and the way you feel .
3 It might have been thought that the arrival of so many neutral countries would render any Common Security policy impossible , but the Community institutions are alert to this ‘ danger ’ , and have stated that they will be rigorous in their application of the acquis to new members .
4 It is not only that those extreme means of attempting to extort confessions , for example the rack and thumbscrew , which have sometimes disfigured the system of criminal justice in this country , are abhorrent to any civilised society , but that they and other less awful , though not necessarily less potent , means of applying pressure to an accused person to speak do not necessarily produce speech or the truth .
5 As is often the case in this sort of situation , both sides are right to some degree .
6 However , quieter deadspots and louder ‘ wolfnotes ’ are inherent to all wooden instruments , and it 's usually not a problem to adapt to them .
7 ‘ You are strange to these parts though you were born near here , for Wrath is not so many miles to the north .
8 Other norms are specific to that organization while yet others are specific to one work group .
9 At each level in this hierarchy we find both a dependence on those subjects which lie below and also a claim to a degree of autonomy for the concepts which are specific to that level .
10 To describe a disease as autoimmune requires the demonstration of autoreactive lymphocytes or autoantibodies , or both , which are specific to that disease .
11 However , if you pursue the associations and begin to delve into the latent content , what you often find is that those day 's residues , which are specific to that day , as Theresa was saying , relate to more general erm situations , or indeed to things that actually happened in the past which that particular aspect of that particular day might remind you of .
12 Duties are specific to each profession or kind of work , whereas wishes are in general a reflection in the working context of the kinds of personal values that people hold .
13 Sometimes Althusser seems to imply that different histories may range through different modes of production , at other times it appears that they are specific to each , an effect of the overdetermination of the social formation .
14 In order to understand the nature of the rural housing question , it is perhaps best to examine some of the features that are specific to each tenure , although it is always necessary to be aware of the many interlinkages among all tenures in the housing market , which can in some ways render this an artificial exercise .
15 In a preliminary set of experiments we were able to see that these antibodies are specific to each protein .
16 Short 's paper demonstrates , on the one hand , the possibility , and indeed the necessity , of extending the scope of descriptive categories to a diverse range of text types , while on the other hand it stresses the need to refine our understanding of the conventions and expectations that are specific to each individual type of discourse .
17 We wished to establish whether epitopes within this peptide are specific to those cereal prolamins known to be toxic to patients with coeliac disease .
18 You may try to do this by defining or explaining racism in terms which are specific to these two instances , but which also count you out .
19 So , to the extent that changes in Y t are due to such changes in v t rather than will appear to be unaffected by expected income as we measure it , and therefore we shall obtain an estimate of α 1 which will tend to be less than the true value of α : 1 .
20 But most thanks are due to all those fellow hacks who provided ideas , anecdotes and scurrilous rumours for no greater reward than a kindly word and a half of best bitter .
21 For now , our thanks are due to all the members of the quality improvement teams , their leaders and all who assisted them in their goal of improving the quality of the way we conduct our business .
22 The launch week was a great success and thanks are due to all who participated .
23 It was agreed that thanks are due to all retiring Chaplains for their service , mutual help and fellowship .
24 Many thanks are due to all the members of the old team who have worked so hard for many years and given up so much of their time to represent the Society .
25 My thanks are due to all those , including volunteers , who have become engaged in this initiative .
26 Also thanks are due to all who floated their stamps off paper before handing them in , which was a tremendous help .
27 Three copies of the video are due to each of you , and I wonder if you could let me know what format and standard you would like these to be supplied in ?
28 Apologies are due to many whose published contributions to Variscan problems have , for lack of space , not been explicitly acknowledged , and to those quoted but possibly misinterpreted !
29 In North America , in areas where conditions are similar to this country , a survey showed that one per cent of houses were affected by damp , but rot was not found in any of these , and in the few years of experience here none of the faults so far reported are due to this cause .
30 The heart muscle suffers direct damage and many heart attacks are due to this direct cause as well as to arterial disease causing raised blood pressure .
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