Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where the sewers are private an easement will be required from the original developer to effect a connection .
2 They 'll go to 500 SPECmarks89 and are due a year after EV45 and into 1995 .
3 Performance will go to 500 SPECmarks89 and are due a year after EV45 and into 1995 .
4 There is good news from the tax man our deregistration on subscriptions has been accepted and we are due a refund .
5 ‘ I asked you here because you are due a bonus . ’
6 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
7 These other departments are situated on two sites which are each a mile or so from the Main Library , and about two miles from each other .
8 A word group is all the most usual forms of a word ; so table / tables , look / looks / looking / looked , go / goes / going / gone / went are each a word group .
9 Otherwise they are half a mile away and it is ridiculous .
10 As the crow flies , they are half a mile away .
11 The picturesque village and castle of Glamis ( a royal residence since 1374 and the family home of the Earl of Strathmore ) are half an hour from Dundee .
12 We are half an hour from Cardiff and two and a half hours from London along the M4 .
13 Your first couple of lessons are half an hour take you driving anyway , and by the time you get up there you 'd drive onto them .
14 Judges ought , when they are pre-reading a case , to be able to pick up the skeleton argument , and they ought actually to be able to start with the skeleton argument , which would tell them in very succinct form the background facts and what the points are .
15 Where they are contradictory a decision of some sort must be made , or further evidence found to determine the issue .
16 The fact that rivers are such a symbol of endurance and of changeless change is what makes their management a touchstone for the whole issue of our relationship with the natural world .
17 A large percentage of recent spring birds have been recorded in parties flying up the Channel during the offshore movements of ducks , waders and terns , which are such a feature of spring migration in Sussex .
18 Perhaps it was all drowned out by the howling dogs which are such a feature of the district .
19 Also there is a dovecote which houses the white doves that are such a feature of Fiveways Cottage .
20 A large part of this was destroyed in the 1990 gales , but fortunately we had underplanted wherever possible and the magnolias which are such a feature of the garden survived remarkably well .
21 The man endued with the Holy Spirit is more than a match for the unclean spirits which are such a feature in Mark 's account .
22 I know that there are no easy answers , but if we do not at least attempt to act decisively , Zagreb , Dubrovnik , Vukovar and Osijek could be just the first names on a ghastly roll call resembling those unending , poignant first world war memorials that are such a feature of life all over the continent of Europe .
23 These week-end visits are such a success that Howard and Felicity begin to expand them into full-scale house parties — the Chases , the Waylands , and Luci Hayter , all at once ; the Bernsteins , the Goodys , the Chyldes , and Charles Aught ; the Kessels , the Keats , the Schaffers , the Chases , and Francis Fairlie .
24 Some of the information in other chapters on nutrition , health , financial problems , and coping with stress may be useful for the daughter at home , but if you are such a daughter there is something else you need too — a healthy determination to protect your own right to a reasonable way of life , while striving to improve that of your parent .
25 It is fortunate that bearer shares are such a rarity for if they became common it would play havoc with many provisions of the Act .
26 They are such a branch , but they also offer a means for non-scientists to acquire an understanding of the importance of science in shaping the modern world , and therefore a better appreciation of science itself .
27 LLNL is working with the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory to try out the process on polychlorinated biphenyls , which are such a problem for conventional incineration .
28 Although fixed gill-nets may drown more tucuxi , they generally avoid shallow inshore areas , and are therefore rarely caught in the beach seines which are such a hazard for the boto .
29 These are such a delight in spring , and they too can be included as handsome and outstanding examples of dual-role perennials .
30 The Tans were international traders , in partnership with family members based in Dobu in the Aru Islands , of mother-of-pearl shell and " tripang " — the highly priced sea-slugs which are such a delicacy for the Chinese .
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