Example sentences of "[Wh det] give they a " in BNC.

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1 The formal proletariat has control over neither the means of production nor labour power , but its members earn regular wages which give them a security that the mass of the poor lack .
2 Early air travellers often flew for adventure , not just speed , and some travellers today , who do not have to cram a two-week break into a busy year , have gone back to earlier forms of transport which give them a far sharper sense of going places .
3 Delightful little birds perhaps 40cm tall , they have long , pale yellow head-plumes which give them a rather ‘ punk ’ appearance .
4 What our users want is adequate information about regular , punctual services , on buses which give them a comfortable ride in a clean environment , driven by skilled and courteous drivers .
5 Brittan was also opposed by the Dutch Commissioner , Frans Andriessen , when investigations were launched into the merger of two Dutch coffee companies , Douwe Egberts and Van Nelle in 1988 , which gave them a 70% market share of the Benelux countries .
6 In due course , all South Metropolitan cars were fitted with these hoops , which gave them a distinctive appearance .
7 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
8 Life continued as normal at Marham with four T.4s and two or three B.2s , two of the latter being designated B.2T because of a change in nav fit which gave them a Green Satin doppler and a GPI IV .
9 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
10 Parliament did not often pass laws with any wide-ranging implications , and the most wide-ranging recent laws , the religious legislation of the Reformation , were never applied at all precisely in America , but no legal framework could have been imagined for the colonies which gave them a legitimate position under English law without putting them under the legislative supremacy of Parliament .
11 The achievement of Edward IV and Henry VII lay less in the size of their income than in their creation of a landed estate which gave them a substantial revenue over which they had complete control .
12 In a bid to simulate a cave of ice the set walls were coated in a fibre-glass matte mixture which gave them a shiny , brittle look under the correct lighting .
13 It was for this reason that the fieldworkers in the other areas , who were not local residents , adopted the role of ‘ a friend of a friend ’ which gave them a clear status of an informal kind .
14 The doctors in poorer areas , in particular , were major beneficiaries of this arrangement , which gave them a secure income for the first time .
15 Scientism is a not-unattractive doctrine , and was especially so to a rising professional middle-class who associated with it theories of eugenics and of mankind which gave them a pleasing sense of class and racial superiority ; but in the later nineteenth century there was no reason to anticipate these darker sides of progress .
16 It was the goals from McStay , McAllister and McClair which gave the Scots a stirring win in Norrkoping , and the bite of McCall which gave them a formidable balance .
17 Such as his momentous climb about Inter 's Colloveti in the Milan derby which gave them a goal to savour in that frenzied city .
18 cylinders of butter wrapped in butter-muslin which gives them a ‘ cloudy ’ appearance .
19 They say they like the sound of singing , which gives them a bit of a boost at the beginning of the day . ’
20 Situations can be developed that offer individuals heightened responsibility , which gives them a chance to help or encourage others .
21 The hairs have overlapping scales , which gives them a rough texture and increases the friction between goat and snow .
22 The argument gains force when applied to boxing where the emphasis shifts to the muscular flexibility and , as manager Terry Lawless put it , the ‘ natural fluidity ’ of black fighters which gives them a distinct edge over their more rigid white counterparts :
23 The issue now facing policy makers is whether the tribunals are equated with the county courts and legal aid extended to them or whether structural changes are made which enable unrepresented litigants to have a fair chance to present their cases in a manner which gives them a fair chance of success .
24 Bell Lawrie has 14,000 portfolio clients against Brewin Dolphin 's 18,000 and together they are one of the largest private client brokers in the UK which gives them a certain amount of clout .
25 As well as the conventional cytochrome and flavo-protein electron transport system , many nematodes have " haemoglobin " in their body fluids which gives them a red pigmentation .
26 Essex have been practising outdoors at Chelmsford since April 1 , which gives them a week 's start on Durham , although they did not have a winter tour .
27 They see Caller Display as a service which gives them a window on the world , through which they can stop unwanted calls and increase their sense of security . ’
28 They 're always the ones that are a bit more boisterous , whereas the older ones you have to physically carry on in the shop floor , the students do n't , and that 's what gives them a bad name .
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