Example sentences of "[Wh det] make [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Three wells were drilled in the area in the 1980's — all of which made small gas discoveries — although two are excluded from this award .
2 But it would seem to be impossible for us to return to patristic sensibilities , for the framework of thought which made that Christology possible is no longer with us .
3 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
4 For much of Charles ' reign Constantinople was under the control of relatively ineffectual rulers , and had many internal disputes and factions which made imperial interest in Italy difficult to enforce .
5 The taste for sweet and highly spiced food , which made little use of the plants which grew easily in our temperate Northern climate , may well have been brought back from the Holy Land by returning Crusaders .
6 In the non-European world it was the requirement to provide separate facilities for a complex hierarchy of class and race which made many railway stations larger affairs than they need otherwise have been .
7 The most significant developments occurred in Scandinavia where there was a long tradition of limited cooperation , or at least of a belief in a common cultural area which made such cooperation valuable , if not almost inevitable .
8 The bigger premises increased Lotus ' overheads , which made low volume production cars unprofitable to manufacture .
9 After the Reformation these traditions were regularized in a unique Poor Law which made each parish responsible for its own poor , and obliged it to finance its aid by levying a poor rate on its inhabitants .
10 Until the 1983–84 submission to the CNAA ( discussed below ) , for example , several new areas felt constrained and unconvinced by aspects of the operation ( especially timetabling ) which made perfect sense for a full-time course in science but considerably less for other kinds of demands .
11 Another place of worship was built in 1828 for the Methodists but as attendances dwindled in the 1970s it was decided to share with Christ church , a facility which made economic sense .
12 Binks Bullows made its first sale to a company in north-east England called Moorlight , which made fluorescent lamp fittings .
13 The Muslim community in Bradford , where Yasmin comes from , is very strong , and there had recently been a case which made national news of two Muslim sisters fighting for their right to wear their headscarves to school .
14 However , none of the major stages in Tanzania 's development as a centralized socialist state were publicly discussed in any way which made open debate possible .
15 By 1907 , the CUB , acting on a plan initiated by W. H. Beveridge , was busy opening exchanges in every London borough , each of which made special provision for women and juveniles , and provided vocational guidance for school-leavers through working in co-operation with the ASEA and the Education Department of the LCC .
16 In 1914 the Board of Education initiated a new Education ( Provision of Meals ) Act which made this provision compulsory for all local authorities , provided an Exchequer subsidy , authorized feeding during school holidays and left the determination of need to the school medical officers who were to assess need purely on grounds of health rather than of parental income .
17 As he looked at her , slumped awkwardly in sleep , he tried without success to put his finger on that indefinable something which made this girl so totally English .
18 And the same change throughout the industry can be accounted for by the functional fact that only those firms which made this change would have survived the competition .
19 I had not yet learnt that every German soldier from private upwards had had an elementary political education which made this sort of argument child 's play for him .
20 Caretaker wondered if there was something in the syntax of the Welsh language which made this sort of construction more acceptable in Welsh than it was in English .
21 Philip Larkin had a very odd relationship with women which made mind-boggling reading .
22 Nevertheless , contemporaries realised that the tradition which made foreign policy one of the most arcane aspects of government was being breached : a well-informed former diplomat noted that the laying of so much diplomatic correspondence before parliament was a " sort of new habit " .
23 However , following the two oil price shocks it was decided that the country 's vulnerability ( as Europe 's largest oil importer ) to crude price rises meant that a policy which made more use of the country 's abundant coal resources and reduced oil dependence should be followed .
24 History teaching had been developing along lines which made more use of reference and local source material , while IS , which involved history , science , geography , and religious education ( RE ) , had been concerned with providing greater primary/secondary continuity in the first-year curriculum , and with developing , through an interdisciplinary base , essential learning skills .
25 These are the companies which made heavy investment in the electronic transmitter cells which now cover 90 per cent of the country .
26 The affair was seized on by the Soviet conservative press , which made particular note of the implication in the deal that Rbs140,000 million was worth US$7,500 million , which suggested a calculation based on the black-market exchange rate .
27 The Anglo-Saxons felt the full force of both influences , which made English Christianity from the start strongly missionary in character .
28 The three of us often went off to ordnance depots where Eric bent all his efforts to persuading whoever was in charge to donate a load of blankets ( which made excellent winter coats and suits ) or , if he was trying to help a doctor , a set of motor tyres , which were worth their weight in gold .
29 One of the most difficult aspects of producing material to deal with the Social Security Act was the timing of its production and despatch in advance of the Act coming into force in April 1988 , and the constraints which made purposeful timing difficult .
30 Friedmann is accused of focusing attention excessively on the structural inadequacies of the Soviet system which make such show trials necessary , rather than highlighting what Nizan considers to be the treacherous acts of the Trotskyites and Bukharinites conspiring to overthrow the Soviet state itself .
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