Example sentences of "[Wh det] can be of " in BNC.

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1 The reader can hope , all the same , that the writer will give an account of the special merits of key pictures , and it is these art critical passages which can be of most help in enjoying or appreciating the chosen artist 's achievement .
2 The theory is nevertheless of a sort which can be of real use in a classroom .
3 Many such institutions also have substantial libraries , not only about local places , people and conditions , but works by local authors , all of which can be of value in building a picture of a place , its people , and their social preoccupations .
4 Or this at least was the academic orthodoxy , and by examining this and subsequent debates we should have a clearer idea of the analytical tools which can be of help in understanding the changing nature of local politics in Britain .
5 This requires the completion of a substantial piece of work which can be of either a practical or research nature , prepared within a strict timetable and documented and presented to an appropriate professional standard .
6 In the broadest sense , the Convention is about the passing of information , something which can be of value both to the giver and to the receiver of the information .
7 A useful way of developing creative thinking and one which can be of great benefit when you are studying and looking for inspiration is the technique of key words or key terms .
8 Physical training can undoubtedly produce significant enhancement of exercise capacity which can be of particular benefit to patients with angina but can also help those with mild or moderate heart failure .
9 So that there 's a kind of assessment built in there … but that piece of work goes forward in the end and is more , slightly more , formally assessed in the sense that we give them direct feedback on performance , and that runs from technical notes , director 's notes , to a very much more abstract formal assessment , which is essentially subjective , ‘ How does one feel about this piece , the atmosphere it creates ’ , … and that 's quite different from director 's notes , which can be of a technical variety to do with voice , movement , audibility , characterization , anything ; the things that are actually being described , analysed , looked at in the end …
10 One technique which can be of some help in deciding on the nature of an electronic transition is resonance Raman spectroscopy ( see Section 5.17 ) .
11 Module Name An existing module name in LIFESPAN , which can be of type Package , Source , or Pmodel .
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