Example sentences of "[Wh det] we would have " in BNC.

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1 We can explain that they come from an age when theology and the natural sciences were not divorced from one another , when God was held directly responsible for disasters we would now call ‘ natural ’ , and for which we would have scientific explanations to hand that did not mention God at all .
2 The entire unit set out from Kabrit at night , carrying weights to simulate the bombs which we would have to cart along with us on a real raid .
3 But as for perceptual and emotional awareness , lacking which we would have no motive to bother about facts , without pleasure or hope it simply fades .
4 This was our ‘ Marche Képi Blanc ’ , on completion of which we would have passed the tests to become legionnaires .
5 Other departmental proposals were considered : They were all valid in their own right , but … too narrow , and we felt that they were ones which we would have to attempt to deal with out of capitation .
6 Nothing was disassembled or even disturbed , but in the end they had complete molecular images of us and the ship — which we would have to match perfectly upon departure .
7 One certainly would not understand that the real choice was between de facto membership of a deutschmark zone in which we would have no influence and membership of a single currency system in which we would have a stake .
8 One certainly would not understand that the real choice was between de facto membership of a deutschmark zone in which we would have no influence and membership of a single currency system in which we would have a stake .
9 Cos that I must say that was the way in which we would have wished to have proceeded with the discussion .
10 But there 's a lot if we were going to talk about the m relative merits of the inner and outer today , I think er there 's quite a lot in addition to the er the traffic effects within Knaresborough which we would have to go into er er because I mean , in fact we 've and that is why I did n't include in certainly in my statement , er any defence er in any great detail of choosing an outer route as opposed to an inner route .
11 After that exercise we spent an hour and a half preparing for the case study which we would have to accomplish the next day .
12 Which we 'd have to take .
13 Er had they got their way every time we put a cheque in or took one out or moved money from one account to another it would have cost us eighty pence , which meant that had anybody paid their their fees to the er and made the cheque payable to us directly , we would have had to bank that cheque and then reissue another cheque er to the appropriate department and that would have cost us one pound sixty , for which we 'd have got nothing .
14 As a matter of practice , and because we 've all got to live , we all draw about two-thirds of what we would have got last year as we go along , then share out the rest at the end of the year . ’
15 Of course , an absurd price is exactly what we would have expected Ephron to suggest in the circumstances .
16 That is only what we would have expected them to do .
17 We sat on the bank , dejected , wondering what we would have to do to find ‘ proper ’ trout fishing , such as we had been brought up with in our native land .
18 Which is wh what we would have done if we 'd done
19 The probability is , that given equal weather , other conditions , and price , the average British holidaymaker would prefer to holiday at home : What we would have to do is extend that appeal to people abroad , by service , value and the many unique features which Britain had on offer .
20 Is not that what we would have expected when the Government take on the 16 to 18-year-olds and perpetuate the myth that that age group is in full-time employment , in full-time training or in full-time education ?
21 He admitted that the settlement was " not what we would have liked to have had .
22 The reasons for this deficit are largely associated with the , the trend of pay and price increases outstripping our income , and outstripping our projections of what we would have to spend .
23 Well I thought what we wous what we would have done four fi four , five years ago like , I mean that would have been stopped and and and scrapped .
24 There followed a long period of explanation of what we did followed by negotiations on what we would have to do to meet the standard .
25 I , I , I mean I do think that w what we would have to do is , is if people started making inroads into two via this route , it might mean then we 'd get to the point where it was n't going to cost that much more to enable other scale one people
26 So what we would have been I mean it were n't just at the bottom of the street .
27 I do n't know what we 'd have done without her in those dark years .
28 They kept telling us what we 'd have to do and we kept saying we were not prepared to do it , ’ says Gedge .
29 I did n't see what we 'd have to talk about .
30 Thanks a thousand times — I do n't know what we 'd have done without your help . ’
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