Example sentences of "[Wh det] we [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A large vibration creates a strong wave which we hear as a loud noise , while a small vibration produces a faint sound .
2 A slow vibration creates low-frequency waves which we hear as a low-pitched noise , while a fast vibration produces a high-pitched noise .
3 Satraps led contingents from their satrapies in the great battles against Greeks or Macedonians of which we hear in Herodotus or the Alexander-historians ; they also levied troops for less grand operations .
4 While the soft-voiced viol consort was peculiarly suitable for domestic music , there was a standard mixed consort for public occasions , of which we hear in an account ( 1591 ) of an entertainment for Elizabeth I at Elvetham in Hampshire : an ‘ exquisite consort , wherein was the lute , bandora , base-viol , citterne , treble-violl , and flute ’ .
5 This conservative variant of normativism has , I believe , provided both the authoritative framework for determining the boundaries of the subject and supplied the basic language through which we reflect on issues raised within the subject .
6 It 's a true partnership , a true partnership between the private and public sector which we know about and you could never achieve .
7 Basically we are required to report anything erm , any liability which we know about , which does n't actually formally have to appear in the main accounts but which could arise in the future .
8 Indeed their sacred works contain passages that state bluntly that God is completely beyond our understanding and completely unlike anything which we know on earth .
9 There was an hors-d'oeuvre of eggs and anchovies , there were hot grilled fresh sardines to follow , the vegetable course was côtes de blettes , the rib parts of those enormous leaves of the spinach family which we know as chard and which are much cultivated in the Rhône valley ; the leaves themselves are cooked in the same way as spinach , the fleshy stalks and ribs were , on this occasion , sautéd in olive oil and flavoured with garlic and were delicious .
10 KPMG should not be associated with an Investment Overview which we know at the time of issue to be misleading or factually incorrect .
11 Rather , we can characterize particular features of our perceptual apparatus ( which we know to be the source of their reliability ) and ask for an explanation of those features .
12 Iago continues in other , more familiar postures , professing love to Othello and Desdemona ( III.iii. 119ff. , 136ff. , 196ff. , 213ff. , 218f. , 225 ) and feigning a sympathy for their sufferings which we know to be a covert expression of his gloating : As Cicero said , there is no more flagrant injustice than ‘ that of the hypocrite who , at the very moment when he is most false , makes it his business to appear virtuous ’ .
13 Gaseous or diffuse nebulæ , which we know to be stellar birthplaces , are in general rather disappointing binocular objects , though there are a few exceptions such as M42 , the Sword of Orion ( not to be confused with the Sword-Handle in Perseus ) .
14 Such a phrase may feature as part of a quotation , or a paraphrase , as in indirect speech ; or it may be used in respect of an object which we know to be fictional , for example in the context of a story or a fairy tale .
15 There is no point in library staff researching rose varieties for an enquirer , for example , when we can give them the address of the National Rose Society , which we know to be helpful .
16 The first building so adorned which we know of is the Siphnian treasury , which is Ionic in character though it lacks the typical capitals , since instead of columns in the porch it had two Caryatids : supports in the form of girls , here canonical korai of immense elaboration .
17 We are ill-equipped to comprehend the very small and the very large ; things whose duration is measured in picoseconds or gigayears ; particles that do n't have position ; forces and fields that we can not see or touch , which we know of only because they affect things that we can see or touch .
18 Consciousness does have a unique character about it , a character which we know from direct experience and which we can reasonably attribute by analogy to other human beings and , perhaps , to cats .
19 His music in general reflects his character , which we know from his letters and from the diagnosis of his friend , the Court doctor Thomas Mermann , to have been manic-depressive ; and comparable extremes are apparent even in the vocabulary of his church music .
20 Posidonius had to interpret the strong belief in the other world which we know from independent evidence to have existed among the Celts of his time .
21 Despite the defeats sustained in Greece , which we know from Herodotus , the Achaemenids served as a major source of inspiration to the late Shah Muhammad Reza in the formulation of both policy and propaganda .
22 One of its most distinguished distinctive characteristics is the size of site which we know from experience which the county Harrogate Borough and ourselves at least have already here can be the order of magnitude of fifty hectares .
23 All we can find out ‘ by the appearances or effects of nature , which we know by sense , [ are ] some ways and means by which they may be , I do not say they are , generated ’ .
24 They move mainly by climbing , gripping with their flexible toes and progressing with the ease with which we walk on level ground .
25 It is this time-depth that will interest us in chapter 5 , in which we turn to evidence for vernacular variation in earlier English .
26 In such studies , to which we turn in the next chapter , it will be necessary to consider yet other components which have frequently entered into the definition of style .
27 Hence the importance of audits by competent and independent auditors — to which we turn in the next chapter .
28 We can therefore choose the depth to which we probe by using appropriate electron binding energies .
29 We have not changed the basis on which we keep in touch with Palestinians .
30 … having myself graduated in Business over 40 years ago , there seems to be a remarkable cycle in which we return to particular models every few decades .
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