Example sentences of "[Wh det] she would say " in BNC.

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1 As she hesitated , Tug found that he desperately wanted to know what she would say .
2 Allen held his breath waiting for what she would say .
3 ‘ I 'm here to see Her Grace , ’ explained Joan , having rehearsed what she would say during the two-mile walk from Briar Cottage .
4 But Daphne 's dear familiarity , the pleasure of her company , the comfort of knowing pretty well what she would say in response to any remark , the whole warm , easy , ancient closeness that had subsisted between them for more than half a century , won over Cecilia 's temporary , though profound , embarrassment .
5 She picked up the receiver without planning what she would say .
6 She tiptoed up the stairs , wondering what she would say to anyone who saw her .
7 In my heart I knew he was dead , but I wanted to hear what she would say
8 ‘ Do I strike you as the sort of man who 's attracted to Amazons ? ’ he asked , his grey eyes flicking curiously on her face , waiting to hear what she would say , but , she felt , not terribly concerned whether she replied or not .
9 Robyn clutched the receiver and found she did n't have the first idea of what she would say when he answered it .
10 She wondered how he would be , whether she 'd cope , what she would say , and had just decided to rehearse an opening line when , with a jolt deep in the pit of her stomach , she saw him , weaving through the clusters of people , coming towards her , looking , as always , more handsome than she remembered , dressed in dark , well-cut trousers and a crisp white shirt that revealed just a glimpse of his tanned chest , the strength of dark matted hair .
11 She cut the engine , then sat with her hands clenched round the steering-wheel , suddenly uncertain what she would say to him .
12 She had rehearsed what she would say . )
13 When the rumour reached Gabriel she began to realize what she would say to John Coffin .
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