Example sentences of "[Wh det] they have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Will Ministers be prepared to surrender the close degree of control over the Prison Service to which they have grown accustomed , and to the extent necessary to allow a Chief Executive the freedom required for true agency status ?
2 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
3 What troubles their detractors , however , is the corporate power with which they have become inextricably linked .
4 The two companies claim the agreement will mean that customers switching from leased line services to local network interconnect systems will be able to maintain the level of control over their internetworks to which they have become accustomed .
5 The two companies claim the agreement will mean that customers switching from leased line services to local network interconnect systems will be able to maintain the level of control over their internetworks to which they have become accustomed .
6 We should also not rule out the possibility that one may properly look to a historical explanation , just as a historical explanation underlies the fact that the comparatives of tired and spoilt — derived from verbs — are analytic , as in : ( 56 ) Declan is more spoilt than Karen Declan 's mother is more tired than Karen 's mother rather than the synthetic forms — tireder , spoilter — which we should expect from the monosyllabic adjectives which they have become .
7 Professional religious education teachers like Marjorie B Clark ( Points of View , today ) are doing valuable work in many secondary schools in trying to separate the facts about religion from the myths and fantasies with which they have become encrusted .
8 And having arrived in Zurich , or having returned there at the end of a tour round north Switzerland , visitors will probably want to spend a little time in a city about which they have heard so much .
9 I am concerned that I have recently received from the National Westminster Bank an invoice for £10.58 which they have debited from the Parish Council account for ‘ Audit Certificate Fee ’ , apparently on your instructions .
10 They should record briefly the new and/or unusual activities which they have undertaken since the last entry and should then concentrate on recording the learning which has taken place as result of these work activities .
11 They 've also asked that I should put a drawing of this scheme which they have sent to me in the May edition of the Bramley , with an article from them , explaining it , asking for comments from the public , and this will be their public consultation exercise .
12 However , there is an advantage in having a system which can check word identification to see if the word which we have identified is consistent with context , and it is this checking procedure which Fischler and Bloom claim is causing the inhibition effects which they have demonstrated .
13 That removes the Government 's mask which they have worn over the past few months as they have tried to pursue the idea of cheap gas .
14 And I am convinced — or rather , I have been convinced — that this felicity is due to the influence of the place in which they were born and in which they have lived all their lives … ’
15 This is the disastrous way in which they have trivialized the rich complexity of black life by reducing it to nothing more than a response to racism .
16 Finally , there will be a few situations in which local authorities have been almost entirely the innovators , in which they have sought to promote local acts through Parliament or in which they have interpreted general powers given to them in quite novel ways .
17 The foresters , both riding and walking , and their pages take for a cart two , three or four shillings , from some more and from others less according to their means , and for a pack-horse twelve , sixteen or eighteen pence , to raise their fine which they have made with the warden for their appointment ; this to the great destruction of the King 's forest and the grievance of those who have woods in the forest , for they suffer the carriers to go quit all through the year without attachment , and yet the King has no profit …
18 The ideological differences which have emerged no matter how defined by warring factions , are nevertheless traceable , in general , to the differing responses which they have made at those times in their histories when the need to make the decision became manifest .
19 Obviously , tenants will be unwilling to invest what may be considerable sums in refurbishing premises if at the end of the lease they will not be paid anything in recognition of the improvements to the premises which they have made .
20 Outgoing tenants may , under the 1954 Act , claim compensation from the landlord for any alterations or improvements which they have made to the premises where these have increased the letting value of the premises .
21 It is proposed that representatives will have to compile a Professional Practice Portfolio , comprising records of different visits which they have made to police stations .
22 Students will be asked to identify the contribution of residential experience to their own personal and social development and to identify the contribution which they have made to the residential experience .
23 So there was , there 's a lot of sections of the community out , out there in terms of the business community , who have actually indicated that the County Council should be spending more in terms of economic development not less , and they criticized the Commission in terms of identifying some of the reductions which they have made erm , as part of this year 's budget alone .
24 The results , which they have dubbed ‘ LIFE ’ ( lung-imaging fluorescent endoscope ) machines , are about to be tested in a number of American hospitals .
25 In outline the modern rules are as follows : Mortgagees , whether legal or equitable , of a legal estate , rank according to the date at which they have registered their charges under the Land Charges Act 1972 .
26 Radio presenters and producers often get great pleasure from seeing the success of a record which they have championed .
27 The crunch game came at the second hurdle when Sudbury toppled the mighty London Welsh at Moorsfield , after which they have gone from strength to strength , bolstered by a refreshing brand of running rugby .
28 Every Religious Congregation has its own charism , out of which they have written their own Mission Statement .
29 Colonisation by the well-to-do seems indeed the true solution … for the problem is , how to make the masses realise their spiritual and social solidarity with the rest of the capital and of the kingdom : how to revive their sense of citizenship , with its privileges which they have lost , and its responsibilities which they have forgotten .
30 It also makes provisions for meeting redundancy costs within public service units , in respect of work which they have lost in competition .
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