Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Plenty of clever , talented children seem to make slow progress at learning skills which they know their parents care about — like reading — while showing remarkable confidence and daring when it comes to the things their parents ignore , like swinging upside down , or building complicated models out of Lego .
2 Departments , including costume and design , have started to operate the system , in which they cost their own services and sell themselves to BBC programmes .
3 Traditional they may be by instrumentation , but the way in which they apply their collective noises is unique .
4 The environment for teaching Art is enriched or otherwise by the personality of the staff doing the teaching and the way in which they develop their environment .
5 At first , they wondered whether they had made contact with an alien civilization ; indeed , I remember that the seminar room in which they announced their discovery was decorated with figures of ‘ little green men . ’
6 Indeed , at the seminar at which they announced their discovery , I remember that they called the first four sources to be found LGM 1–4 , LGM standing for " Little Green Men . "
7 In several primary schools children are working together at ‘ turtle geometry ’ projects in which they set their own goals and spend several days or weeks achieving them .
8 The sample of groups used by Collier and Rosaldo , upon which they constructed their model , skewed the data ; for they were all peoples who place immense value upon' Man the Hunter and Warrior' , and who also elaborate ritually upon the violent , destructive , and fertile potential in men .
9 They are influenced by the beliefs which people have , which affect the ways in which they behave and in which they use their resources .
10 There are a few other initiatives that , for a capital sum of a few million pounds , hold the prospect of bringing forward such a radical transformation of the immediate circumstances of poorer people , and the extent to which they control their own lives .
11 Scientists used their own society as the model from which they formulated their ideas , which in turn justified the position of women as they found it .
12 Their front was protected by the Glen , and the foothills in which they deployed their forces , low though they lay , were well-grown with bushes and clumps of trees almost to the waterside , and afforded a clear field of vision before them .
13 It is impossible to forget these mothers and the matter-of-fact way in which they relate their experiences , an indication that they know their suffering is by no means unique .
14 They mostly excel in their industry — the skill with which they irrigate their terraced hillsides with tiny runnels of water shows a considerable advancement in agriculture .
15 The ants ' larvae possess silk glands with which they spin their own pupal cocoons .
16 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
17 There were clear political reasons for setting up the LDDC and other Urban Development Corporations , and for deciding the way in which they conduct their affairs .
18 They are , therefore , not required by law to have governing bodies although some LEAs , including Berkshire , established such bodies some years ago and have subsequently applied most of the requirements of legislation to the ways in which they conduct their affairs .
19 " The Wonders " or " Marvels " was the basic guide book , immensely popular , which everybody read and to which they added their own impressions .
20 This is often called " body language " and includes the way people stand or sit , the direction in which they turn their bodies , whether they lean forward or sit back .
21 Replicators that happen to have what it takes to get replicated would come to predominate in the world , no matter how long and indirect the chain of causal links by which they influence their probability of being replicated .
22 By marriage they inherited more land and a mansion on the banks of the River Ayr at Stair , from which they took their title .
23 ( University of Edinburgh , Department of Molecular Biology ) Details of a scheme to help students find good PhD projects in departments other than that in which they took their first degrees .
24 Who among them caught the badgers and squirrels from which they made their fine paint brushes ?
25 On his first night back , his parents give him a party , to which they invite their circle of middle-class , middle-aged friends .
26 The curfew was lifted on April 9 , and on the same day the opposition groups had a meeting with the King in which they affirmed their commitment to the establishment of " full democracy " .
27 Most Liberal MPs , except Lloyd George and his family clan , joined the National government and supported it after its general election success in October 1931 from which they improved their position .
28 Yet savers will still profit from the bull market as beneficiaries of the pension funds to which they sold their shares .
29 Some of the Champagne houses which make a point of declaring they never use vins de taille in their own products have purchased ready-made Champagnes from the very houses to which they sold their vins de taille in the first place .
30 The soldiers of the artillery train had panicked and cut the traces of their horses , after which they overturned their guns and caissons to create barricades .
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