Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The Christian community inherited from its Jewish matrix a strong sense of being ‘ called out ’ ( the root meaning of ecclesia ) from the surrounding society which they felt to be possessed by different values .
2 Some years ago The Sunday Times invited parents ( representing a wide range of social backgrounds ) to list the things which they felt to be significant for their children in their years of primary schooling .
3 It is a combat zone which they concede to the predators until morning , when they drive out their cattle again past sleeping lions and strangely reticent hyena .
4 He and Cooper then set off to get the other boat , which they discovered to their fury was also defective .
5 At Cromwell Road the students made use of the first floor which had a magnificent music room and a ballroom which they loaned to the Senior Common Room for the purposes of the annual Royal College Charity Ball which rivalled the Chelsea Arts Ball .
6 Mr Reenan and his wife Phyllis connected it to a £1,000 airwaves scanner which they use to earwig calls made on mobile phones .
7 In Western industrial society , the means of production are owned by the capitalist whereas the workers own only their labour which they hire to the employer in return for wages .
8 Similarly , in the capitalist era , there are two main classes : the ‘ bourgeoisie ’ or capitalist class which owns the means of production , and the ‘ proletariat ’ or working class whose members own only their labour which they hire to the bourgeoisie in return for wages .
9 Everyone had brought a small handful of husked rice , which they passed to the front to be put on a plate beside the dhāmi .
10 For the future , research needs to address the extent to which these dimensions of organization imperatives do form coherent patterns ; the extent to which the coherent patterns form national clusters ; and the extent to which they relate to more common criteria of organizational analysis such as the Aston measures .
11 Perhaps the key way to establish a connection between the concerns of conventional Marxist urban and regional sociology and the concepts outlined in Chapters 1 and 2 is to concentrate on typical forms of social mobility ; the ways in which they relate to spatial mobility and moral careers .
12 They showed a mercy to house and land which they denied to flesh and blood .
13 Which they wish to God they 'd never got into .
14 And , further , ‘ the circumstances in which they came to be made were never reported by journalists . ’
15 We shall consider each of them in the chronological order in which they came to Anselm 's attention .
16 This was the activity with which they came to be most closely identified in the first fifty years of their existence .
17 Boredom featured strongly in their account and even the local youth club , which they went to frequently , was not valued very highly .
18 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
19 Professor Thomas Gordon joined them for breakfast at the New Inn , after which they went to a Service at the ‘ English chapel ’ , that is to say , the Episcopalian , that is to say , the Anglican church in Scotland .
20 Although the principal activity of many of the nobles in Edward III 's reign was war , their fundamental concern was always their inheritance , the lands and rights which formed the basis of their wealth and power and which they expected to hand on to their heirs .
21 At a summit meeting in June US President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachev formally confirmed that a START treaty , which they expected to be completed by the end of 1990 , would be based on a 30 per cent overall cut in long-range nuclear missiles over a seven-year period .
22 After trying every aquatic shop in the area , I decided to write directly to the manager of Trilcot and within a week I was able to collect an excellent piece of wood which they sent to a nearby store .
23 In the western provinces , where the Christian population was overwhelmingly Catholic or in communion with Rome , peasants were refusing to fulfil the economic obligations which they owed to the Orthodox clergy .
24 Between the 1st day of July 1987 and the 15th day of October 1987 conspired together and with other persons fraudulently to induce persons to enter into agreements for acquiring or subscribing for securities , namely shares in Blue Arrow plc , by making statements which they knew to be misleading , false or deceptive or by dishonestly concealing material facts or by recklessly making statements which were misleading , false or deceptive namely : 1.1 By failing to notify the Company Announcements Office of the Quotations Department of the International Stock Exchange by way of a Class 2 announcement ( as provided for by Section 6 of the Council of the Stock Exchange 's admission of securities to listing ) following the purchase of shares in Manpower Incorporated for a consideration in excess of 5 per cent of the consolidated net assets of Blue Arrow ; 1.2 By concealing the fact that the level of Acceptances of provisionally allotted new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow was 38.04 per cent at the expiry of the offer by way of rights issue at 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.3 By concealing the fact that 54,625,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow were taken up after 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.4 By falsely stating that , in connection with the rights issue of 504.4 million new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow , acceptances had been received in respect of 246.5 million shares which represented 48.9 per cent of the rights issue .
25 At the beginning of August when the heat , humidity and despair reached their zenith in the Residency , when all eyes searched the Collector 's face for the signs of collapse which they knew to be imminent , two babies were born .
26 A special analysis of this showed that a quarter of all people entering unemployment in May 1980 who had found a job within 10 months had taken one which they knew to be temporary .
27 From a half doze Jane saw Christopher and Francis emerge from the barn , go to the kitchen and re-emerge with the sack of flour , which they took to the barn !
28 It seemed a silly thing to cheer about and Anna remained sitting on the floor until a group of older boys appeared with musical instruments which they took to a bank of seats at the far end .
29 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
30 The tenants of his lands both here and at Snodland also had to collect blackberries which they carried to the Palace in exchange for grain , the berries were then used in the wine , both as colouring and sweetening .
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