Example sentences of "[Wh det] for [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Heating for instance in more than just one room , which for instance became standard in council house building in the late forties onwards .
2 The independence of India and Pakistan in 1947 , Ghana and Malaysia in 1957 , and most other African dependencies in the 1960s , were only milestones in the long , gradual process of the relative weakening of Commonwealth links , which for instance withdrew the tariff advantages of the British cotton industry in many tropical markets .
3 Which for Rose increased the appeal of forbidden fruit .
4 Erm the worker density figure really relates to the job gap calculation erm which for Hambleton showed substantially less than the seventy hectares provided for in er the proposed policy , it showed thirty one hectares .
5 This is why ‘ History ’ , which for Marxism promises liberation , for Cixous also entails another forgotten story of oppression :
6 Second , in his writing he tends to present actual homosexuals ( e.g. Loerke in Women in Love ) as decadent others who draw off that which for Lawrence complicates the ideal homoerotic brotherhood .
7 He liked best the stormy winter evenings when , working late , he could see the lights of shipping prinking the horizon as they made their way down the coast to the Yarmouth lanes , and see the flashing lightships and the beam from Happisburgh Lighthouse , which for generations had warned mariners of the treacherous offshore sands .
8 The result was the abolition in February 1844 of the Secret Office which for generations had been intercepting letters of possible interest to the government .
9 Both of my hon. Friends know that their constituents live in an area which for generations has had health care that has been relatively less generously funded than that provided in the central London parts of the Thames regions .
10 El País of April 19 said that Menem had thus " opened a new front for political struggle within Peronism " ; the Saadi family which for decades had wielded considerable power in Catamarca , had provided crucial support to Menem in his ascent to presidential office .
11 However , the arrival on the scene of wonder drugs developed in Britain and America at long last conquered this disease which for decades had struck down young and old .
12 This enabled the establishment of a critical position in relation to science which for Adorno remained so elusive .
13 The word which for Tolkien expressed this distinctive image of evil was ‘ shadow ’ .
14 The fields shone a new green in the sun , and the air which for days had been hazy had been cleaned by the rain so that I could make out the shapes of sheep grazing near the old Coal Road above Cowgill as I walked down the lane .
15 The effect was explosive , and deeply embarrassing to the government 's position , which for years had been obstructive — to such an extent that Britain had long been known as ‘ The Dirty Man of Europe ’ .
16 Also , the direct experience of ‘ contact ’ with the Führer through his major speeches , which for years had served as the ritualistic form of plebiscitary ‘ meeting ’ between the Leader and his people , to be repeated at regular intervals , took place only infrequently after 1942 .
17 Labs which for years had worked on more classical memory tasks found themselves funded to purchase morris mazes and set up LTP facilities .
18 NEWS that an investigation has been started into the possible mis-assessment of ethnic minority children in Strathclyde has highlighted an issue which for years has been simmering in Britain 's classrooms and education departments .
19 Religion , which for Durkheim involved the separation of the sacred and the profane ( as in Judaism ) , was an essentially social phenomenon .
20 As Leslie put it , " No Evils " were " of such Hurtful Consequences to the People , as those of Anarchy and Confusion " , which were the inevitable consequences of " Mobb Principles " ; the " Miserably Deluded People " should " Recover their Senses " , and " Adhere to the Laws and Constitution " ( which for Leslie meant divine-right monarchy ) .
21 However , as the graph indicates , there is a range in which the relationship is roughly linear , which for vegetation growing under natural conditions will depend on the time of year .
22 Mann argues that the reasoning that rejects the notion of assignability of treaties resembles that which for centuries prevented assignment of debts in private law .
23 The princess , who heads the fund-raising Princess Royal Trust for Carers , said the medical profession and other agencies must realise the old family structures , which for centuries saw people looking after relatives without outside assistance , were gone probably for good .
24 Indeed it is difficult to exaggerate the impenetrability of the mystery which for centuries hung over the problem of the strength and fracture of solids .
25 These woods gave cover to the herds of wild deer which for centuries had provided sport for the kings and nobility , guests of the Berkeley family at the nearby castle .
26 The expanding Russian empire was showing an increasing interest in Northeast Asia , and China was likely to challenge any attempt by Japan to intervene in the affairs of a country which for centuries had been her foremost tributary .
27 The clearest and harshest expression of this twofold approach ( and one which certainly brings into the open its ultimate presuppositions ) was perhaps the application of the doctrine of predestination in the Federal or Covenant Theology of the seventeenth century as expressed in such classic statements as the Westminster Confession , which for centuries held sway on both sides of the Atlantic as the most widely authoritative summary in English of Reformed orthodoxy .
28 Such criticism Thurley argued , very convincingly , never bridges the gap between description and interpretation , which for Thurley involves evaluation .
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