Example sentences of "[Wh det] he had find " in BNC.

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1 He complained that there was no root of Veratrum to replace one lost nor of the various martagons which he had found so slow to mature from seed in England .
2 When the school , with which he had found employment in Ramsgate , removed to Isleworth in Middlesex , he went with it and whilst there he came into contact with the Protestant Church circles which were Free Churches , i.e. not tied to either the Church of England , or the Roman Catholics .
3 Throughout his career he remained sensitive to criticism which suggested that his view of the world was consistently , unrelievedly and unjustifiably pessimistic , especially after the war which he had found profoundly depressing .
4 He tried out a badly scratched recording of Dame Nellie Melba singing an operatic aria from Pagliacci which he had found tucked away between a box of rusting tools and a sack of potatoes in the corner of his shed .
5 What Madame did tell Ellie , however , was that Mr O'Hara was very keen to renew their acquaintance , which he had found all too brief .
6 He took up his claret , drank , and moved to an anecdote which he had found scarcely ever failed and would surely , he was convinced , see him through this supper party as the man of wide travel , wide curiosity , the aristocratic rover who had finally come back home to live by the more profound , more refined things of life .
7 A visitor brought two of these which he had found on the shore near Saligo Bay in the summer of 1980 , for me to identify .
8 A visitor brought two of these which he had found on the shore near Saligo Bay in the summer of 1980 , for me to identify .
9 He subsequently gave evidence to a House of Lords committee on muzzling dogs , which he had found effective in controlling the Nottingham outbreak .
10 It was from here that they rang Anthony Marangos , and inspected the house , or rather château , which he had found for them in Picardy , North East France , between the towns of Arras and Amiens .
11 He had been painted in wonderful Afghan clothes , a tunic and turban of deep blue and red embroidered with gold , clothes he had brought back from the exploits during which he had found Charlotte , the fabulous exploits that had been Alexandra 's bedtime stories every night , every single night in childhood , haunting her sleep with nightmares of cruelty and savagery in wild , barbaric places .
12 He could not have visualised such a desperate situation as the one which he had found .
13 He 'd had a sudden sick recollection of the headline in the Illustrated Police News , dated 1870 , which he had found in the library archives .
14 With this remarkable period of intensive work behind him , Miller again stressed in the Preface that he had not advanced anything but what he had found fully convincing in his own experience .
15 He had been there before , but had to use Blackadder 's name , to remind them , though he had no idea of showing Blackadder what he had found , not yet at least , not until his own curiosity was satisfied and the papers restored .
16 In fact , he could n't remember ever having heard of it until the day Shiva came in and told them what he had found .
17 In the CI5 computer room , Bodie reported what he had found out about the girl to Cowley .
18 The schoolteacher realized that his guests were tongue-tied in this strange place and , after a few openings had brought no more than murmurs of self-conscious or self-absorbed politeness , he did what he had found best to do on such occasions .
19 I could not imagine what he had found to interest him so much .
20 It would have been a different matter if they had let him write his own account of what he had found at the Foinmen .
21 For past all doubt he was on that path , he did find the poor soul dead , he did run to the castle , like an honest man , and tell the sheriff what he had found .
22 While he and Blanche hummed up in the lift to the conference room , Dexter told the superintendent what he had found out at the dry cleaner 's .
23 Corbett left the tavern elated with what he had found out and they continued their journey to the outskirts of Oxford .
24 It was Magnus who discovered the girl first ; he yelped unsteadily , his voice rising with excitement , and Gina went to see what he had found .
25 The thin man thrust whatever he had found back into the sack and hurriedly reknotted the neck .
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