Example sentences of "[Wh det] i [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The latter ( in which I took a great personal interest ) required the installation of a special engine to pump up the Secondary Modern sewage into a tank , at the Grammar School level , from which it could then flow gently eastwards towards the Oxford Road .
2 The problem there was the children climbing the fence and with just having spent five hundred and eighty pounds putting a fence up , spent another fifty four pounds although it 's not in the budget , I accept that , er was er a necessary expenditure which I took a decision on straight away because I did n't want to see our five hundred pound fence being knocked down within a week of being put up .
3 ‘ At this present moment they are engaged in a fully comprehensive training course using the systems run by the local college , on which I took the liberty of enrolling them .
4 Ron then spoke about debt management and Bank deposits , after which I took the platform to talk about investment and pensions .
5 I had twenty-four kronor of Swedish money , which I thought a handsome sum , but it proved sufficient to buy only one hopelessly modest open sandwich , like the bottom half of a hamburger bun with a menopausal piece of lettuce and eight marble-sized meatballs on top .
6 Our next port of call was Piraeus , which I thought a dirty , uninteresting place .
7 In a survey on shopping which I made a few years ago one of my student interviewers was questioning an old lady about the grocer 's shop she used .
8 Another gift that was well received was a book of poetry for which I made a pressed flower bookmark .
9 Which I made a note of .
10 ‘ Really , it was a game in which I made the rules : always being the one to decide whether or not we 'd make love when we met .
11 The sense in which I use the word ‘ faith ’ here is different from both Wesley and Locke .
12 ‘ Very useful things , ladders , especially when you 're on the top of one — there 's nowhere for you to run , which I get the feeling you are contemplating , and I think even you are n't callous enough to push me off backwards . ’
13 In the Lyttelton , it 's such a thrill to see Alan Bennett blossom in another line of work , by which I mean a full-length piece like The Madness of George III .
14 Everyone , I 'm sure , has a ‘ little black dress ’ type of pattern , by which I mean a perennial favourite that gets made up in different yarns and colours over the years for various celebrations , parties and so on .
15 I am saying Mr Major , as Prime Minister , if someone in my position is saying I believe , I believe , there is the best opportunity here for lasting peace , by which I mean a total cessation of violence , the least I expect is that you should listen to what I have to say .
16 It seemed that they were either capitalist or social democrats which I mean a social democrat by any other na a Tory by any other name 's just the same .
17 From evidence available this week , by which I mean the remarkable feats of sharp reflex and well-practised agility Peter Shilton performed against Poland in a crucial World Cup qualifying tie in Chorzow , England ought not to embark for Italy next summer without first packing trench tools and barbed wire , while giving some serious attention to the laying of mines in their penalty area .
18 Be aware of what is happening all over the world , but for goodness sake do n't allow the market — by which I mean the City — to guide the destiny of your company .
19 Hellen has remained my favourite gourmet cook ever since , by which I mean the last 38 years .
20 If I were you , sir , I 'd keep clear of Washington for some little time , by which I mean the rest of your life . ’
21 By which I mean the range of potential response to the experience of climbing .
22 Coming out of the Musée Basque , and as you turn right to recross the Nive by the Pont Marengo , you can see facing you , a little upstream , a short sequence of the best , by which I mean the most distinctive , houses in Bayonne , narrow , half-timbered , six storeys high and standing none too straight .
23 The worst of it is , the Wild Wood is alive with the most hideous of micro-monsters ; by which I mean the so called Cathedral Bug — though ‘ bug ’ is too cosy a name for that black abortion — Satan 's Crab suits it better .
24 A few weeks ago I wrote to inform your Mother and Aunts of the Death of Mr. Green 's eldest unmarried Daughter , who was the main prop of the Family , and of a plan which had been set on foot for their relief by raising a Subscription , to which I received a most kind and satisfactory reply .
25 He took all my clothes , my underpants , my toothbrush and razor , in return for which I received a clean set of fatigues , underwear and a wash kit .
26 I was lending a hand in the store of one of my compatriots ; for which I received a miserly stipend and a corner of a room in the warehouse already occupied by two young Chinese .
27 I refrained from making any statement until I had the erm minutes which I received the er , agenda which I received the next day which contradict the abandonment , but if the idea was to sort of give this troublesome member from Bungay a heart attack , er it failed , cos I 'm still here and ticking , now I would like to go through once again the , the point regarding Bungay and I hope the committee will take it on board with .
28 I refrained from making any statement until I had the erm minutes which I received the er , agenda which I received the next day which contradict the abandonment , but if the idea was to sort of give this troublesome member from Bungay a heart attack , er it failed , cos I 'm still here and ticking , now I would like to go through once again the , the point regarding Bungay and I hope the committee will take it on board with .
29 If the invitation to the Phoenix Club came to nothing , as it did , an invitation from the English Club , in which I enjoyed no official status , though I was a member , bore fruit .
30 They were both enjoyable erm I ca n't really say which I enjoyed the most er , I thought they were both very good and of course good value for the money because they do n't charge very much for the fares well I do n't think they do .
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