Example sentences of "[Wh det] be good for " in BNC.

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1 Exercises which are good for building stamina involve moving your arms or legs rhythmically .
2 All in all these are changes which are good for business and very much in the image of the Prime Minister and the new conservatism of the 90s .
3 Racing and speed boards are built with minimum amounts of nose and tail lift , giving long flat areas underneath which are good for speed .
4 Others want to know which foods are low in fat and which are good for fibre so that they can select their own meals .
5 And one effect of the recession has been , I 've got to say , that a lot of the old that er house-builders have operated on , which are good for selling , which sites will sell well , etcetera a lot of those rules have been out of the window .
6 Bernheim 's results suggested that he had found some substances which were good for tubercle bacilli , and , by applying the principle of competitive antagonism , he sought closely related compounds which would also be taken up by them but would block the pathway of the stimulants .
7 — It is my great resting place , that you are well : truly it is more than health to me , and gives me an untroubled fancy which is good for my work and my temper .
8 A facial sauna is a deep cleaning treatment which is good for all skin-types , but especially for blemished and congested skin .
9 As a rule of thumb , the author designs these mains-voltage tracks in 2.5mm wide section ( which is good for up to 5 Amps of 1.5mm to 2mm minimum where possible .
10 These have brought young families into the community , which is good for the continuity of village life .
11 There is no point in serving food which is good for kids but tastes so revolting that they wo n't eat it . ’
12 It 's long and spacious too , which is good for extra-tall campers .
13 I also have a jet-ski which is good for fitness but I am going to sell that and buy a boat with my father .
14 A great home-use exercise machine which is good for all skiers is the BH Sherpa Steppa .
15 By the time the wind reaches 12 – 13 knots true , the genoa should have been changed to the heavy No 1 , which is good for up to 18 –20 knots true .
16 ‘ Chronicle is an up-and-coming house , and is seen to be different , which is good for us , ’ he said .
17 Which was good for me ; if I had directed it in 1979 it would n't have had a chance . ’
18 Which was good for the soul , but bad for knees and dignity .
19 When we toured with the Inspiral Carpets — which was good for us to do at that point — we 'd only done 20 gigs as a band , and were n't experienced in the ‘ problems ’ of a support act like monitors being mysteriously unplugged during the performance , and an ever-shrinking stage , but we still did the business !
20 ‘ I 'm talking about what 's good for British politics . ’
21 What 's good for showbusiness and for running and jumping must be good for the United Kingdom , and therefore this lot deserves my vote .
22 Take our kids away from us because you reckon you know what 's good for them better than what we do ?
23 knowing what 's good for you !
24 ‘ The keeper never gives us anything like that — she only gives us what 's good for us ! ’
25 ‘ Improving the national economy is the single most important program the federal government can take to help urban America ; because our economy is predominantly an urban one , what 's good for the nation 's economy is good for the economies of our cities , although not all cities will benefit equally , and some may not benefit at all . ’
26 If you know what 's good for you , Thessy and Ellen , none of you even saw the Belgian boat this morning ! ’
27 The Pretty Things performing as Happy Apple House Band in the Norman Wisdom star vehicle What 's Good For The Goose
28 You 'd better if you know what 's good for you !
29 What 's good for Netware … ?
30 The main concern , however , is an overriding apprehension that what 's good for Netware may not be good for Unix .
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