Example sentences of "[Wh det] be need was " in BNC.

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1 What was needed was a lead not a lecture .
2 What was needed was a much improved rail link to Southampton , backed by a tax policy that would penalize motor vehicles and favour the railways .
3 Now he proclaimed that inflation was a much more serious threat to national wellbeing than unemployment , which anyway was a greatly overestimated danger , and that what was needed was a much tighter control of the money supply and the budget deficit .
4 What was needed was for the Government to spend much more money , in a more caring fashion .
5 What was needed was a small bomb capable of blowing a hole through the wing of an aircraft and igniting the fuel in the tanks inside .
6 Eventually I decided that what was needed was a little organisation — a systematic approach to make my busy life a little less fraught .
7 Some political activists concluded from this that what was needed was to ‘ empower the poor ’ , encourage their civic and political participation as a way to redress the balance , give them the strength to organize in such a way as to make effective claims on society , to receive those citizen 's rights to which they were said to be entitled .
8 What was needed was something down home and businesslike .
9 What was needed was a foraging inside-forward who could pick up passes from defence and create scoring chances for the other forwards .
10 For practitioners , what was needed was an essay that was not too long , and which attempted to develop specific proposals that they could act upon .
11 What was needed was a simpler more speedy procedure and so Parliament intervened with the first Public Health Act in 1848 , the forerunner of modern public health legislation .
12 What was needed was that intention to make a legal act should be expressed ; this then had to be taken to be charged on the heir as trustee , since in that way the principle of benefit could be satisfied .
13 Nationally what was needed was not so much cash as a rational development programme with long-term perspectives .
14 What was needed was a continual flow of information regarding IBM 's product and marketing plans , which is readily available from a legion of professional IBM watchers who demand , and receive , hefty sums for analyses of future IBM strategies .
15 What was needed was for us to get together with an arbitrator .
16 What was needed was a new look at the problems and the ways in which they might be solved , both in the UK and elsewhere .
17 What was needed was a new system of dégorgement , able to cope with far greater capacity levels at a significantly higher speed than the traditional à la volèe process .
18 What was needed was ‘ to radically wipe out the major differences between towns and villages ’ in order ‘ to more powerfully homogenize our socialist society , to create a single worker people ’ .
19 However , even the smallest cylinder stocked by plumbers ' merchants was far too big for this application — what was needed was a small , neat cylinder , that would fit snugly under the wash basin unit .
20 No , she said , the damage had already been done and what was needed was a heart and lung transplant .
21 What was needed was a theory of the material conditions , including social and political relations , that inhibit the emancipation of human beings through their own actions .
22 Their newspapers existed solely to point this out , and were designed to lead readers to the inescapable conclusion that what was needed was a new political party , free from the sell-outs of the Labour Party and the trade-union leaders .
23 What was needed was the necessary stimulus .
24 The very real tragedy was in the fate of one man and what was needed was an Everyman figure who could carry the story by being charming , innocent , ordinary , and haunted and that is what the skills of Muni could give them .
25 What was needed was nothing less than a new industrial revolution .
26 What was needed was a dispassionate focus on the root of the problem , and this meant that the subject had to lose its normative character .
27 On the English side , what was needed was an army to fulfil two essential functions : conquest and maintenance of that conquest , requirements which demanded both field armies and garrisons .
28 What was needed was someone outside and above the territorial nexus , requirements fulfilled only by the young king .
29 What was needed was a wider distribution of the profits of industry , especially through higher wages .
30 The ‘ restructuring school ’ argued that it was not possible to provide an explanation in terms of location factors alone ; what was needed was to set these factors within the wider context of the restructuring of industry ( Massey , 1979 ; Sayer , 1982 ) .
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