Example sentences of "[Wh det] be with the " in BNC.

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1 Government and national accounts business unit manager Stewart Oldroyd , claimed that the company has already signed up a few orders prior to the official release , the most significant of which is with the National Bank of Hungary .
2 I met Hermione and David and John Hutchinson , who was the guitarist , at a show which was with the Scaffold and The Who .
3 Again , a story in Thucydides ( v.45 ) shows that the Council hears foreign ambassadors before the Assembly does ( Alcibiades persuades a Spartan delegation , after their first audience , which was with the Council , to deny at their later audience with the Assembly that they had full powers to treat with Athens ) .
4 To this end Dicey distinguished legal sovereignty ( which was with Parliament ) from political sovereignty ( which was with the electorate ) .
5 When , just before closing , Wayne said , ‘ So what 's with the top hat , Jed ? ’
6 She cleared her throat nervously and was just about to launch into a business like explanation when he said suddenly , ‘ So what 's with the altered image ? ’
7 What 's with the freak ? ’
8 Yeah and now what 's with the , what about this one , well known christmas carol the something and the .
9 What 's with the ?
10 So what was with the sudden change ?
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