Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These are policies which are invested part in the with-profits fund and part in a range of unit-linked funds ( which resemble unit trusts ) .
2 I mean if you put your hand up to the sun you can feel it , you detect it , your eyes detect it , well you have detectors which detect them and , for example , if I want to detect something like an electron well then I can make a counter which is sensitive to charged particles like electrons , and I can allow these electrons to hit this counter and it will produce erm an identifiable electrical pulse and I can look at that and I can say this is an electron , or I can look at other particles , say , for things like helium nuclei which are called alpha particles , and I can make counters which will detect these and I can put a little piece of paper in front and I can stop off the alpha particles .
3 Within our society are groups which are called opinion formers because they influence the opinions of many other people .
4 And you can start on the new water tablets which are called Frusamide on Thursday .
5 Trait theories stress the personality of the leader above all other factors — leadership requires a range of inherited characteristics or personality traits which are given priority over the job nature and demands of the job itself .
6 develop informal ways of getting things done — ie. norms and rules which are different in character from the ‘ organisational manual ’ rules which are imposed organisation .
7 Top : Joel helps Rita to make some pretty cone decorations which are sprayed gold and wired together
8 The second distinctive group covers the well known strip buildings which are set end-on to the road frontages , often in association with a range of specialized activities .
9 Redevelopment for industry and commerce may be acceptable as an alternative to leaving such sites unused , and health authorities which are refused planning permission are advised to appeal to the Minister .
10 However , within the study area there are a number of small villages , hamlets or neighbourhoods , all of which are attributed community status by Shetlanders .
11 The expectations and hopes of those people and of many others , which were given life by the excellent judgment of the Vice-Chancellor of the High Court on 30 July , were cruelly dashed by the decision of the major City shareholders that the bank could not be reconstructed .
12 A rough rule-of-thumb was that landowners controlled the rural county councils and farmers the rural district councils ( which were given responsibility for housing ) .
13 They took their seats on canvas chairs which were placed side by side on the strip of red tiling , as if they were about to be photographed or to review a marching column .
14 Freak storms and torrential rains on Sept. 4-7 , 1989 , caused serious flooding in the eastern provinces of Valencia , Alicante , Murcia and Almeria and on the islands of Majorca and Ibiza , parts of which were declared disaster areas .
15 Other examples had scroll-bordered cartouches on the sides in which were painted flower posies .
16 Those young people undertaking YTS at colleges , or on community-based schemes , which were called mode B schemes , were less likely to be successful in entering the labour market when they graduated from their courses ( see the transcript of the BBC TV Panorama programme ‘ Fair play for Britain 's Blacks ’ , 6 July 1987 , p. 3 ) .
17 It was named tyrothricin and was later shown to contain two polypeptide components , which were named gramicidin and tyrocidine .
18 Specific ethical approval was not obtained for physiological recordings , which were considered part of clinical management .
19 History layered upon history in almost geological strata , within the levels of which were preserved corpse upon corpse upon corpse — so that the upheaving rockface of history seemed a veritable conglomerate of compressed cadavers , human , abhuman , and alien , a cosmos-spanning coral reef composed of innumerable crushed skeletons …
20 Annesley yard received and despatched coal trains from the local pits which were taken south at speeds of up to 50 m.p.h. eventually destined for the Western Region .
21 An electronic control unit , which is fed information about the road speed , engine speed , the operation of the brakes , the auto-transmission lever position as well as information from the ride height sensors , oversees the operation of the EAS , which has five different height settings .
22 Chief among them is Schreier 's evident liking for clipped and detached articulation which is given blanket approval throughout to the great detriment of the music 's poetry .
23 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
24 Their writings are designed as spring-boards for that action which enables the understanding which is felt experience .
25 From this ‘ kind of contemplation ’ , says Hobbes , has ‘ sprung that part of philosophy which is called geometry ’ ; and he gives some detailed results of his own geometrical contemplations ( including an attempt to square the circle ) in the second and third parts of De Corpore .
26 And a Fuchsia which is called Superstar .
27 Alas , Liberation 's headline yesterday was ‘ L'eternelle solitude de la Dame de Fer ’ , while the local paper , which is called DNA ( Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace , silly ) inexplicably reported that she was ‘ plus anti-communautaire que jamais ’ .
28 It turns out that the component in the venom of this snake that has such an effect binds to the muscle receptor on human muscle and other animals ' muscles , and it binds there much more tightly than the natural chemical transmitter , which is called estialcodine , thereby preventing the transmission of the nerve impulse to the muscle and gives the victim instant miocenia and presumably a nice meal for the snake in due time .
29 Some writing which is called art criticism will be helpful , some will not ; other writing will also be valuable , although whether it can be described as art criticism may be disputable .
30 The Count of Eu holds in demesne a manor which is called Hou .
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