Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Nor did it seem to make any difference to ability to perform everyday activities ( such as selecting the correct coins for shopping ) which were poor for many in both samples .
2 The member countries would establish those aspects of foreign policy which were ripe for " common action " , and policy decisions on these aspects could thereafter be made by qualified majority voting .
3 because there was erm before the war there was a blacklist of schools which were due for reor reorganization and erm
4 But , once there , the factory created the demand for technologies which were appropriate for factory production , and these technologies almost certainly enhanced efficiency .
5 Bernheim 's results suggested that he had found some substances which were good for tubercle bacilli , and , by applying the principle of competitive antagonism , he sought closely related compounds which would also be taken up by them but would block the pathway of the stimulants .
6 There were stacks of things being sold to the French restaurant trade which were perfect for us .
7 He argued that the kinds of jobs which young people eventually did were determined not so much by the development of their inner drives , as by the structure of opportunities by which they were surrounded — the kinds of jobs which were available for them to do in the labour market .
8 The 3,500 Zimbabwean troops guarding strategic trade routes remained in position and did not withdraw by Nov. 15 as originally envisaged , on the grounds that their departure would leave unprotected the corridors which were essential for the transport of drought relief aid to Zimbabwe , Zambia and Malawi .
9 For several years their task was to open and close the trap doors which were essential for controlling the circulation of air , then at about the age of twelve they moved on to pushing the underground wagons .
10 As part of this new drive , Marshall introduced business centres — that is , profit centres — on the matrix , the managers of which were accountable for commercial success .
11 To a certain extent , the final draft betrays the fact that it was the product of compromise between those countries with highly developed regulatory control of mergers ( particularly the United Kingdom and West Germany ) which were reluctant to see control of mergers transferred to Brussels , and those countries with no or less effective control , which were keen for the Commission to take on that role .
12 In Chapter 3 the focus will be directed instead on those contacts between the guberniia centres of Saratov and Samara and Moscow which were crucial for the alleviation of the famine conditions .
13 In the north the disafforestment of the Forest of the Peak , and schemes for inclosure of those portions of it which were suitable for arable or pasture , were completed by royal commissioners appointed in 1674 .
14 ‘ We tried to find visiting times which were suitable for the teachers concerned as well as the Subject Assessor , but it was n't always possible ’ .
15 Some heavy-duty buckets ( which were suitable for most purposes for which such buckets were normally bought or used ) collapsed when left by the buyer for several days stacked in extreme heat such that the contents reached 70° Centigrade ( 156° Fahrenheit ) .
16 This technique has been used to find the amounts of elements such as iron , sodium , potassium , aluminium , calcium , magnesium , lithium and phosphorus in the flint , and it was the concentrations of these elements which were different for different mines .
17 This period saw the building of areas like the Triangle , Ropery Banks , Gardiner Street and North Trinity , which were important for housing action by the CDP .
18 Basil Rocke contributed to this show several drawings which were remarkable for their sensitivity .
19 This was necessary since 40 per cent of the EC 's population lived in areas which were eligible for assistance , ( including 37 per cent of West Germany 's population ) .
20 The Bolivian art historian Teresa Gisbert writes that the Councils of Lima , which were responsible for questions of orthodoxy in the Viceroyalty : ‘ sought to attract Indians to the new faith by the use of images which would be especially appealing to them . '
21 In 1972 it was realised that this property depended on a separate histamine receptor ( H2 ) which was different from histamine ( H1 ) receptors in the lung and elsewhere , which were responsible for the allergic action of histamine .
22 Although the petitioners realised that it was government policies which were responsible for the impoverishment of the masses , the movement did not oppose government , it appealed to it for improvements .
23 For instance in one area recently there has been a series of protests and demonstrations regarding poor and inadequate housing conditions , the majority of the members of the committees which were responsible for organising the protests are members of the IRA .
24 It is clear from this that it was social and not technical factors which were responsible for the emergence of factory production .
25 The Directive was concerned with relations between competent authorities which were responsible for protecting the interests of investors and companies .
26 Moreover , it was these official publications which were responsible for employing the very few Africans who gained journalistic and editorial experience .
27 The 1983 report had identified the crucial issue for North Shields as the need for the development of an adequate marketing facility in the port to attract larger visiting vessels which were responsible for 54% , of landings in 1982 .
28 Women also sat on school boards ( which were responsible for state elementary schools prior to 1902 ) , and the first generation of such women — elected during the 1870s — was particularly active .
29 Instead of leaving economic decisions to the free hand of the marketplace , economic decisions were made by highly centralised states which were responsible for resource allocation and the planning of economic activities .
30 The regional authorities in Wallonia , which were responsible for policy but dependent upon allocations ( based upon the number of pupils ) from central government , were unable to pay for such increases .
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